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Jumping zombies


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After playing for quite awhile on 9.1 and setting up my base i've found out that a simple 1 wide gap is enough to completely stop zombies from reaching your base for the most part, I made a giant 1 wide moat to bedrock around where i'm gonna make my base, i'll admit I cheated a bit and changed smg to have 50 block damage so it would break blocks instantly so I could make the moat quicker since I had a buttload of smg ammo and no auger to be found even after drastically upping the spawn rate of both the auger and chainsaw, but anyways I noticed that pretty much no zombies can get to my base now which I honestly didn't expect since if i were to run off the ledge above the moat i'd land about 3 blocks in on my land, but zombies seem to just fall over into the 1-wide gap to their deaths with 1 very rarely making it onto the edge of my land, anyways I was thinking it would be cool to make zombies be able to jump gaps with each zombie having a different jump height/distance, for instance the bloated ones would only be able to jump 1 block gaps, while the normal ones could jump 2-3 and dogs could jump 4-5, and when their sprinting at night another 1-2 blocks could be added to their distance, this would make making a completely safe base much harder legitely since digging down far enough to kill all zombies from the fall is a pretty big task but add in the fact you'd need to make atleast a 4-5 wide trench would make it 10x harder and nearly impossible playing legitely unless your on a server and have a buttload of people all digging the moat out, but even then it would be a ton of digging. Just a thought but i'd like to know what others think of this. Also I realized that you most likely don't even have to dig so far down to kill them with a 1 wide pit, you could just dig down a bit and then place spikes or spiked logs with cobwebs on them basically stopping them in their tracks and killing them in a very small moat.
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I agree. I am hoping that when they get a chance they will give zombies a jump mechanic. Not only for dealing with moats but also to deal with players breaking the bottom rung of ladders. Zombies also need the ability to attack while on a ladder because as it is now if you block the top above a ladder they will never break it. I suspect these things are already on the pimps to do list.
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Zombies in 9.0+ already can jump, just not over gaps. It takes a lot of brain power to jump and actually land which zombies lack. What I see them doing what comes close to jumping it would be jumping over the gap but slaming into the face of the cliff on the other end. They simply lack the know-how to grab the ledge to save themselves. Zombies do not care if they break or decappetate arms and legs or their own survival (aside from the hunger), why would they care if they fell?
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[QUOTE=Shiek4d5;126752]Zombies in 9.0+ already can jump, just not over gaps. It takes a lot of brain power to jump and actually land which zombies lack. What I see them doing what comes close to jumping it would be jumping over the gap but slaming into the face of the cliff on the other end. They simply lack the know-how to grab the ledge to save themselves. Zombies do not care if they break or decappetate arms and legs or their own survival (aside from the hunger), why would they care if they fell?[/QUOTE] I didn't know zombies can already jump, i've never seen one do it, but anyways I think it would take more brain power to know how to climb a ladder than simply jumping over a hole, also the zombies would care about falling into a pit because it would mean they can't get their meal or need to try a lot harder to get it, yes they may not be smart but it's basic instinct to try to get your meal as effortlessly as possible, and also for you saying they wouldnt know how to grab a ledge, they can climb ladders fine so it stands to reason they'd know how to grab a ledge, also spider zombies can climb over walls so they obviously know how to grab a ledge
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[QUOTE=DarkDragoon;126820] ...also the zombies would care about falling into a pit because it would mean they can't get their meal or need to try a lot harder to get it, yes they may not be smart but it's basic instinct to try to get your meal as effortlessly as possible,...[/QUOTE] Yes, maybe so, but zombies don't know that there is a ledge or gap, all they see is their food so they go for it without taking anything else into account. At least that can be said about the original zombie and my view of how a zombie should act like. The zombies in this game do not always go by the traditional lore, but I like how they add difficulty to the gameplay. So if this idea will add to the gameplay instead of hinder it, then I am for it. The current zombies can jump up on a single block where they could not before only the Spider Zombie could. Who knows, maybe they will make them jump over gaps later on. They should only jump over one block and jump up to reach a ledge one block over their haed in my opinion, otherwise there would be no point in making the ultimate defense if they can just climb or jump to it. Building a fort would become more of a stumbling stone for the zombies.
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[QUOTE=Grotto19;126399]I agree. I am hoping that when they get a chance they will give zombies a jump mechanic. Not only for dealing with moats but also to deal with players breaking the bottom rung of ladders. Zombies also need the ability to attack while on a ladder because as it is now if you block the top above a ladder they will never break it. I suspect these things are already on the pimps to do list.[/QUOTE] If you check the moccap animations video they uploaded you can see the guy impersonating the spider zombie jumping over what would be a 1 meter block.
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