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Quest Sharing


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I usually do quest events with 2 other friends. When 1 friend shares a fetch quest, the other 2 accept it as normal. After the one who shares it activates the quest rally point we all locate our own separate satchel in the same building as there are often 3 - 5 scattered around depending on the size. Sometimes we may all have to go to the same satchel but not often as they seem to be set randomly for each person in the quest party. We don't leave until we all pick up our own separate satchel as those who don't collect it will fail the quest when you move 25 meters or so away from the building. Is it not working that way for you?

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On 10/21/2020 at 8:29 PM, EeveeSaur said:

was sharing quest with friends and realize if one of us finishes the quest (ex: retrieves supplies first), the other one of us says the quest was failed. Is the only point of sharing quests...just to see where the quest is? 

Anyone finishing the quest should not affect the others once the quest has started. If one person has finished the quest, they can leave, assuming it is a satchel fetch quest. If it is a clear, all zombies must be cleared first. If one person leaves the quest area early, they are the only ones affected and will fail the quest. The others can continue to finish the quest. That includes if a player leaves the game. They may start the quest and leave the game, but won't affect others actively in the quest. 

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