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Can i just say how i love the radio/cell towers?


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I dunno man, there's something about them that i enjoy so much. Whenever i start on a new map, i immediately try to spot one. It usually means there's at least a small town built nearby. But i also wanna climb it to the top, even if i did it repeatedly on other previous maps. I just can't help it, i gotta get to the top.

Its of course useful for surveying the area on a wide scale and get a little Assassin's Creed feeling. Im a guy who has a considerable fear of heights so i guess its a way to say %?&* off to my phobia? But nonetheless the Pimps really made it well, you really get the sense of height and grandeur, its good design, reminiscent of what we can see in real life. Its not just a rudimentary structure with a single vertical beam.

Just for the heck of it, in one of my game i build a tall platform very close beside the tallest tower, up to its second level. This will serve as an elevated landing/takeoff strip for my Gyrocopter. And i intend to move my hideout on it when it'll be done. But i wont use it as a horde base : i just watched the latest Capp video where he tested it and it seems it messes up the pathing of the zombies. The experience failed. They just didnt go up the ladder and munched at the base pillars. It didnt collapse entirely but did just enough to kill him.

But yeah, i love those towers. Im aware i may appear a bit weird about that, lol, i feel like that famous kid who just went like ''I like turtles''. *shrugs*

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I know exactly what you mean kyonshi. The view is absolutely amazing. 

Same with the view at that souvenir shop overlooking the gorge in the desert on Navezgane map (if it's still there, I haven't visited this since console days).

I could imagine the view is much better at max settings. I have a lower end laptop so my settings are pretty low but it's still just beautiful.

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