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10 hours of nonstop gaming


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I have become ridiculously addicted to the game again, 10 hours of sitting playing and my ass is flat as a pancake. You can always tell if you are a addicted in a RPG or similar type game when you stop paying attention to gaining levels, I gained 8 levels and did not have an interest in adding skill points because I had to much to do.


I have built a large complex and I feel like a megalomaniac that cannot stop producing more resources to keep building, producing weapons, adding traps, painting, making trader runs with items I build to buy more resources to keep building, it a endless cycle and I have dishes to wash for christ sake, someone help me.


Just kidding I haven't washed the dishes because I hate doing it, but the Fun Pimps have made a game that can get you hooked to the point of no return and that is the measure of a great game.


I have said it before, this game has all the right ingredients for me:


1 Building and generally being creative with base design. Like an erector set when you (of my age) were a kid.

2. FPS action, both melee and ranged and finding fun ways to kill zombies.

3. RPG level system, always something to look forward to, like gaining a new spell in Might and Magic.

4. Bloodmoon tower defense. Is my base going to survive, did I add enough traps, is the base structurally sound enough, well I will find out on bloodmoon and if not I will try something else. Making bloodmoon an exciting thing to look forward to.

5. Always adding new content because the devs love the game and are not in it just for the money.


Too think when I started the game back in 2015 I hated it, because I had no idea what to do and I died over and over. Had I not started a new game in A16 and followed the tutorials (very important for the first time player) the game just would be another steam sale purchase that I regretted.


I like A19 for the most part and I believe the level system on the looting is not that bad when you figure that over time you will get better loot and could be something to keep you playing longer, if you just run around looting top quality items you would eventually get bored and have nothing to look forward to.


I remember playing Morrowind and spending over 100 hours just goofing around in the game world and I never even tried to finish the main story line. So when I eventually finished the main story line it was basically anti-climatic. I think Oblivion fixed this even though I did not enjoy it as much, it got rid of a lot of freedoms in the game world and leveled everything out to keep the game more interesting over time, which most people did not like.

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11 hours ago, bobrpggamer said:

I like A19 for the most part and I believe the level system on the looting is not that bad when you figure that over time you will get better loot and could be something to keep you playing longer, if you just run around looting top quality items you would eventually get bored and have nothing to look forward to.

+1 this


Personally I never liked getting those T3 items day one, either because I didn't have the stamina regen to use them, or they made the game boring way too early.

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