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Help - Disconnecting from Server


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Looking for some help

Im playing on a mulitplayer server with some friends. 
We got bored one night and i blew up a POI by burying udnerground and running a string of dynamite.  Since this I have had constant issues with getting disconneted at random times from the server. 

Anytime i interact with a trader

Certain dephs digging down

Certaining places being mined


Othertimes it works fine and no one else on the server has any issues like what im having


I've tried a fixing files via steam, complete reinstalls and neither helped. 


Ive attached a pastebin of my log (i think its correct)




Any help would be appreciated 

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Try deleting your local copy of the server game, the server will resend it next time you connect.

Your local copy of the remote game save is here:


Delete the folder with that long number.

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