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GeForce Now for 7daystoDie


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I tried a search and didn't find anything, Hope this is an OK question to ask.

  So, I have this on my gaming PC and it runs awesome of course.

I have an old gaming lap top that just can't run it. I would love to try and get the game running on my old PC with GeForce Now so I can have wife or kids joint me.

  So question is: has anyone done this and is the service worth it? I have pretty good internet and can plug the laptop into a wired connection to avoid WiFi issues.

Any opinions?


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38 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

I have not tried it personally, but I have heard good things about it. As long as you don't have a bandwidth cap. That's really the biggest crutch in these services.

I have heard the same thing.  My cousin was playing 7d2d with us on our rented server just fine altho some graphical fidelity is lost he was able to play on horde nights with us with not too many problems.


One draw back however is there is no modding support so you won't be able to install any.


OP, last I heard you could try the service for free (1 hour sessions at a time) but not sure if they still offer it.



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well...Just tried it using the free account. Only took about 5 minutes to connect to a card. Hopped on a random A18 server that was at like day 1300 or something ridiculous.

  Did all the start quest stuff without a hiccough. Then went looking a for a zombie. Finally found a crawler in a house. Whacked it with a club: no lag. Then turned around and was killed by a radiated feral. At least my death was smooth and without frame stutter :)

  Only issue is the mod part. The server I usually play on only does server side mods, so not sure how that will work.

Otherwise: seemed pretty good.

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amazing what options we have now a days.  Honestly if I was a console player on the fence but had a work computer/laptop I'd probably go GeForce now route to test the waters...😀

3 minutes ago, dweer21 said:

well...Just tried it using the free account. Only took about 5 minutes to connect to a card. Hopped on a random A18 server that was at like day 1300 or something ridiculous.

  Did all the start quest stuff without a hiccough. Then went looking a for a zombie. Finally found a crawler in a house. Whacked it with a club: no lag. Then turned around and was killed by a radiated feral. At least my death was smooth and without frame stutter :)

  Only issue is the mod part. The server I usually play on only does server side mods, so not sure how that will work.

Otherwise: seemed pretty good.

I think steam workshop is supported by GeForce now but 7d2d won't have that implemented until later.

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