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game won't load


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I was playing with my friend yesterday when I experienced a momentary blackout. I launched the game back up and went to load the file again. It got stuck on the loading screen, specifically the "building environment" part of the load. My buddy joined the game and he was also stuck on the loading screen(I think he said it was stuck on "starting game"), but we could both hear the game world as if it were loaded normally, we even heard the sound when night falls. I have tried verifying files, uninstalling and reinstalling, turning off anti cheat, but no matter what I do when I load that game I get stuck on "building environment". I started a new game and that loaded fine with no issues. My group does not want to start a new file however since our current one is around 120 hours old. I've provided the most recent output log for the client, I could not find the server log.


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The client log does not help, it doesn't show the root problem. If at all only the server log could show which files might be damaged.




there is one solution posted that may or may not help.


And this won't help you now, but always make a backup of the savegame and the generated RWG world (and serverconfig.xml) on the server. A backup is the only solution that works in 100% of cases


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THe Sticky FAQ thread has two posts on how to fix a corrupted save caused by improper shutdown. If that doesn't work, you will need to wipe it and start over.


You should also run a repair on your OS and verify the client files, because improper shutdown can corrupt any file that was in use.

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I tried those methods and they did not work. However I was able to get my game file to work again. I created a backup of the corrupted game file and then created a new game. I then deleted the player file from the new game and replaced it with the player file from the corrupted game. Launched it and it worked fine. I then did the same with the region file and that one caused the error to return. I had a feeling that the 7rg file for the region I was in when the game crashed was the one that got corrupted. I then emptied the region file, relaunched, closed, then checked region file again and saw two 7rg files had returned. I deleted those 2 from the original corrupted game file, moved that game file back into the saves file. Launched and loaded the game and bam! Everything is back to normal. I don't know a lot about this stuff, and I apologize for how badly I probably described what I did, but hopefully this helps anyone who may experience this issue in the future. Thanks for your help guys, I'm gonna go bash some zombies now.

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