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Mod for buffing zombie spawn and more dangerous ones?


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I'm on day 31 and I haven't seen alot of activity since day 3 now, where I had last encountered a Feral Wight. The zombie spawns generally seems to be a joke at gamestage 91, which is where I currently stand. I own high tier gear, have a steel sledge with burn shaft and grips, maxed out my strength skilltree and oneshot everything most of the time to the head. I don't really want to increase my general difficulty from scavenger, since I don't like sponge enemies and prefer it to be balanced for everyone.


I watched some videos and people have casually up to 5 Wights casually roaming around the surface while I'am lucky to be able to find even one rotting corpse crawling on the ground per week. The only thing I can do is climb to the top of some factories for the somewhat good spawns with irradiated + wights + ferals combined together though that isn't enough for me. POI's have a few ferals in them though normal zombies make the majority up of it.


Is there a mod or setting that can enable Wights, ferals and radiated ones to spawn more frequently? I can't level myself up apart from mining since my world is so, so empty.

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If you want increased, more dangerous spawns, you should go to the wasteland.


They buffed the respawn rate and it naturally has tougher enemies. Not sure if you were around then, but people are saying it brings back the old hub city feel, just without the actual city.

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7 minutes ago, katarynna said:

If you want increased, more dangerous spawns, you should go to the wasteland.


They buffed the respawn rate and it naturally has tougher enemies. Not sure if you were around then, but people are saying it brings back the old hub city feel, just without the actual city.

I already had visited the wasteland when I was around level 10. I cleaned, looted out Gravestown and the factory. I only saw two Wights and the rest were pretty much normal zombies and alot of construction workers. I doubt much will change since I'am level 51 now unless I visit a skyscraper if I can find one and spend my time running up to rooftops of large POI's. The thing is, I don't want to travel across the map which takes already some time without a good vehicle and I'm looking for Wights etc. to spawn naturally everywhere

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the change to the wastelands was with b169, so if you already visited it in b167 you would not have been able to enjoy the added challenge.


There's a thread about it on the steam forums.


Night time @ the wasteland... (B169 update)
With the newest patch... HOLY CRAP!

It is relentless now. Feels like a mini bloodmoon, every night. I don't think I've had this much fun w/ a new mechanic since forever.

Come prepared!
and from the patch notes for b169
Enemy respawn time is reduced in the wasteland. At night, Zombies will respawn immediately, making the wasteland harder to survive at night 
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