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[PVE] Sneak N Hide | 500%XP | 200%LOOT


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Welcome to Sneak N Hide community server!

We are glad to announce that we have been here already 1 year!

We run one high performance server located in Germany, Frankfurt.

We have developed lots of custom mods.

Server doesnt require client side extra downloads for mods.


[PVE] Sneak N Hide | 500%XP | 200%LOOT

Server settings


Game Difficulty: 3
Day Length: 90
Day Light Length: 18
Drop On Death: Nothing
Player killing mode: NO Killing
Max Animals: 20

Max Zombies: 40
Zombie Movement (daytime, normal zombies): Walk
Zombie Movement (nighttime, normal zombies): Jog, Run
Zombie Movement (Feral zombies): Nightmare
Zombie Movement (Blood Moon): Nightmare
Zombie difficulty: Feral
Loot Respawn Days: 7
Land Claim Expiry Time: 14 (it means claim will be expired after being 7days offline)
Land Claim Decay Mode: Full protection until claim is expired 
Land Claim Online Modifier: 0 (No damage to claim)
Land Claim Offline Modifier: 0 (No damage to claim)
Loot bonus: 200%
XP bonus: 500%
Air Drop Frequency: 12

See you on server :)

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