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Umbrella proudly presents,

With a big thank to the forums' community - to all of you that help, answer questions and provide great tutorials !



It is not dead ! 


Behold survivors !
Mother Hearth has been soiled long enough by these nasty Zombies ... it can stand no more.
Its revolt has started, and biomes won't make a distinction between the livings and the undeads.


Apocalypse is upon us ... let's hope it is fun


Mod Features
The world has permanent random activity, structured by biomes and geographic areas. Most are
apocalyptic natural disasters. A few of them are more "supernatural".


Biome Activity includes
- Earthquake, ground motions, flood, geyser
- Bushfire, wissfire, electric phenomena, meteore strike, starfall
- Moving and flying biome decorations, slime blocks 
- Toxic emanations with various effects (poison, freeze, enlighten, blinded ... )
- Altered gravity, sizes 

Gameplay hints:

Globally, ZomBiome only makes it harder for the player.


Depending on your location, biome activity may be fun, or it may be a pain. If you don't like what is happening around you, move and change area ! You'll find worse :) Some activities may be used to your advantage. Observe your surroundings, explore, adapt or uninstall !


Current status : experimental - I need feedback
SP : Playable
MP : probably too buggy


Important Warnings to players
- It can mess up your saves. Duplicate your savefile or start a new one !
- It could break at any release (tested through A18.2/4). The A19 version is also available (less tested).
- It is not yet balanced, and performances are not optimized.
- Errors are still too frequent in multiplayer. I wasn't able to test MP much.
- Expect that any container could be destroyed in a second (content vanishes) .
   The biome ground-motions are not friendly to containers (yet?), but there are 2 things you can do for your most precious safes:
    - There is a landclaim/bedroll protection for all biome activity. In particular, the game should not destroy containers in these area
    - Activity depends on the map position you are at. If you see no ground motion for a long enough time period, there might not be any in the area.


Emergency manual
- You can check if Zombiome is running by looking at the logged messages in the console (F1) : "ZombiomeManager update 1+...". If it failed to start for any reason, run command "zb start".
- In case of error / crash, feel free to share the log file .../Mods/zb_err.txt. I created a special thread for that : Please add these info: worldseed, worldsize, MP/SP, short description




ZomBiome is distributed under a BSD 2 License


1) Install DMT Tools

I just noted an issue with DMT 2.x. Please use DMT 1.x while I investigate it.

2) Download or clone Zombiome: https://github.com/Umbrella7D/7Dmods

Pick either folder Zombiome (for A18) or ZombiomeA19


3) Use DMT to build Zombiome


Implementation details

That could be of interest to other modders. Should be extracted in a "utils" mod:

- Insert block (move existing block up or down). Eject entities that otherwise would be stuck.

- Move entities (player or zombie) "manually". Does not (yet) check for collisions, so used sparingly.

- Use a ghost (a mere Zombie made passive unkillable and invisible) as a controler for thrown items (actually mere dropped itemstack) to have biome-controled projectiles (controler=player would give xp).

- Use ghost to attach particle and buff triggers.

- Explore surface hexes around player to detect decorations.

- Transform decorations to projectile and vice versa.

- New blocks: waters (boiling/evaporating/freezing), slime, freezing stalagmites.

- New buffs (20+) for Zombiome effects





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A few improvments available for A19:

- Changed graphical particles that were no longer working in a19 (biome projectile, ghost size increased)

- Added sounds to Ground motions.

- 1 new Biome activity


- Bagpack's zip is stuck and bag can't open


@doughphunghus: thank you for your encouragements. I've updated download links.

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I saw multiplayer will be probably buggy so I made a test run on my server to see what happens. I've logged the terminal window were many errors are found


if that interest you, I can send you it... (personal informations in it are already hidden)

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11 hours ago, LoicLVT said:



I saw multiplayer will be probably buggy so I made a test run on my server to see what happens. I've logged the terminal window were many errors are found


if that interest you, I can send you it... (personal informations in it are already hidden)


That would be nice. Thank you very much for the test, LoicLVT. Can you also see the log file "\Mods\zb_err.txt" ?

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Thanks a lot, LoicLVT !


These errors were xml parsing errors not finding the correct class in the mod. The most probable explanation is that I messed up my commits on github when I removed some unused code. Did you use the a18 version ? No problem about the log file, it was empty because the errors occured long before starting the Zombiome routines.


Also, I wonder: what is the difference between setting up a server and starting a MP game on steam ? I guess I need to learn server if I want to debug MP correctly. Is there a tutorial on the forums ? Can I use it to emulate multiple players connecting to the game, using only my single machine ?

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