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Krunch's Tutorial on Painting Biomes - 72d2 - A19

Cpt Krunch

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  • 5 months later...

Thank you very much Cpt Krunch, now I know how to paint the biome thing.
If it is not too much to ask, you could upload a video tutorial on how to create a custom import_HM and mask, I have followed some examples that have been shared in the nitrogen forum, but they give me errors when creating the map.
I currently use Krita, Gimp, and Paint.net.
Regards, Happy holydays.

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What errors are you getting? I do have a video on the masking, the audio is not great but most of what you need is there. The png is straight forward.

Have all your colors set up in Krita and Paint.net so you can see the RGB hex values. Here are the basics


rgb - 0,0,0 - lowest point in water.


rgb - 32,32,32 - water surface, anything above this spawns terrain. This value can be modified in Nitro, but I wouldnt to start.


rgb - 255,255,255 - top point for terrain. Mountains and terrain will flatten out after this height. keep your mountain tops peaking around 230-240 max as a rule, but truthfully that taller than you need.

Start out with a simple 4k png file, and paint the whole thing RGB 40,40,40, that will give you a giant flat map. Use nitro to get the map in forest or desert only with roads and buildings off. Start to practice.

Make a pyramid of squares and raise each layer by 10. I like Paint.net better for getting the major stuff in, and then I finished with Krita. I also use Gaia, but forget that for right now, I can teach you that if you want, but its a bit more advanced and the results can really vary, i use it more for single regions.

I dont love doing videos, but I can send you in the right direction if you come by my discord. Ive had some great teachers over on Guppycur's discord chanel, and I would highly recommend coming by and hanging out there, lots of great people and resources.



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