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How to add items into a "loot group"

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How would I add a xpath to add my own customs food into the loot groups "airdropfoods" "junk" "coldfoods" and "cannedfood" Whenever i tried with my attachted xpath, when loading into the game in the f1 menu, it says wrn xml patch for "loot.xml" from mod "noble's food overhaul" did not apply. <append xpath="lootgroup/lootgroup{@name='airdropfood'

	<append xpath="/lootgroup/lootgroup[@name='airdropfood']">
	<item name="foodCupcake"/>
	<item name="foodCookie"/>
	<item name="foodNuggets"/>
	<item name="foodCroissant"/>
	<item name="foodHamburger"/>
	<item name="foodItalianricotta"/>
	<item name="foodFries"/>
	<item name="foodTunalarge"/>
	<item name="foodSandwich"/>
	<item name="foodPotatosalad"/>
	<item name="foodKFC"/>


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Just now, Noblegases said:

How would I add a xpath to add my own customs food into the loot groups "airdropfoods" "junk" "coldfoods" and "cannedfood" Whenever i tried with my attachted xpath, when loading into the game in the f1 menu, it says wrn xml patch for "loot.xml" from mod "noble's food overhaul" did not apply. <append xpath="lootgroup/lootgroup{@name='airdropfood'

	<append xpath="/lootgroup/lootgroup[@name='airdropfood']">
	<item name="foodCupcake"/>
	<item name="foodCookie"/>
	<item name="foodNuggets"/>
	<item name="foodCroissant"/>
	<item name="foodHamburger"/>
	<item name="foodItalianricotta"/>
	<item name="foodFries"/>
	<item name="foodTunalarge"/>
	<item name="foodSandwich"/>
	<item name="foodPotatosalad"/>
	<item name="foodKFC"/>


Hi Noblegases

It would be like this

<append xpath = "/ lootcontainers">
<lootcontainer id = "420" count = "2,4" size = "8,9" sound_open = "UseActions / open_fridge" sound_close = "UseActions / close_fridge" loot_quality_template = "qualPlus1Template">
<item name = "resourceWood" count = "6,20" prob = "0.5" />
<item group = "junk" prob = 0.05 ""


This is just an example, to add it to the loot of your preference change the lootcontainer id, the size and the sounds on opening and closing, so that they match the container to which you want to add your custom loot.

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