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End Game idea


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     How about a POI be the source of the Zombies, like a huge military base spawn on every map? Huge, well secured and something that needs destroyed inside.   If player(s) destroys it, it stops the blood moons.  It could be a option in map generation to give an endgame rather then endless if the player wanted.

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I like this idea but what if it was a nuclear plant and when you broke it. You got rid of radiated zombies or they were much less frequent in late game. And you could choose to "move on to a different map" cause the rads are gone from the edge of the map and when you move maps you prestege or somthing. like you would start with 1 extra skill point and still have your book perks .

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Oh nice,  a military base for each special type.  A quest to destroy each to get the traders back up and running.  

Nuclear = Rad Zombies

Explosives depot = Demo

Hospital  = Screamers 

Science Lab = Wights 

Animal Lab = Dogs , Vultures


Final biggest underground base = all horde night zombie spawning 


These bases spread out in the map, one per Biome?  It’s destruction leads to lower their spawning rate during horde night.  Possible rewards skill books or ability points.  

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1 per biome would be good and the biggest and hardest would be a secret under ground one. And it could even be a quest line so you slowly take them out as you progress.


Screamers could be a hospital or something. 

One for zombie animals like a zoo or somthing would be cool aswell

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36 minutes ago, Toybox372 said:

1 per biome would be good and the biggest and hardest would be a secret under ground one. And it could even be a quest line so you slowly take them out as you progress.


Screamers could be a hospital or something. 

One for zombie animals like a zoo or somthing would be cool aswell

Edited my second post with these ideas, good stuff thanks. 

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That is an interesting idea.


Were TFPs to do something like this a couple option toggles could be very useful.


a) simple 'Enable Overcome Zombies?' (or End Game or whatever fun term) (as mentioned already)


b) If A is Enabled, maintain total zed count or reduce as conquered?

-- for the 'never tough enough' crowd, instead of by taking out the animal shelter no more zombie bears/dogs, so lower overall 'tough' spawns, increase the spawns of the remaining ones. So if say a player left the Insane Asylum responsible for screamers until last, they might expect to see screamer hordes crashing even a low level house clearing.

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