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A19 Backpack lost... again

Liesel Weppen

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I hardly remember reading a discussion talking about something was added that should help track lost backpacks? Some console command or similar? But sadly i can't find this thread anymore.


Like many others, my backpack vanished after i died. What i noticed is, the backpack was only shown on the compass, but not the new 3D-Marker. May probably mean, the backpack has a valid X and Y coordinate, but an invalid Z position?

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5 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

I think the new on-screen marker only shows up when you get close to the backpack.

According to the compass mark (and where i died) roundabout null to zero meter should be close enough. That's where i usally go if i want to fetch my backpack. ;)

It didn't show up.

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