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Is it possible to change the colour of textures for plant and blocks?


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It it possible to us the overlaytints or some other command to change the block tint of an item to use the same block but when used ingame it has a different tint. using the example below how would i change the tint of the block? its using the texture for goldenrod (401) i believe.. The idea is when i plant the seed, the plant goes though the goldenrod growing stages, but with a different tint to the original block to make the growing pattern look different. growthrate is set to 1 for testing :) [CODE] [/CODE] I tried to use the command [CODE][/CODE] but that did not seem to work...
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  • 3 years later...

I’ve noticed there are 2 different types of crops. Some have texture only and some like corn also have a model file. Not sure if there is a difference with tinting though.


If you figure this out I’d love to know as I have a bunch of crops as well :)

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Growth rate 1 is erratic. Use 2 minimum for testing purposes.


You cant use tints on blocks (you cant even tint an icon on a block), you have to replace the mesh file/texture directly.


Icon tinting for block does work. You just set the icon name and tint color directly in the block xml.

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Download links at the bottom of the OP. I need to rewrite the OP to flesh out the new stuff I just added.


You can grab them from Nexus or Gitlab.


sorry the link and the modlet just didn't help me with my issue. I need it made alittle more simpler for me. I want to change the color of the corn or potato or mushroom plant while it grows to use this as part of my superfood collection. I am good with the prefabs for those crop just want to change the color

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sorry the link and the modlet just didn't help me with my issue. I need it made alittle more simpler for me. I want to change the color of the corn or potato or mushroom plant while it grows to use this as part of my superfood collection. I am good with the prefabs for those crop just want to change the color


Start the beginning you must:


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