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ResetPlayerDMT. A hardcore mode for 7 Days to Die! (A19)


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Remember that hardcore mod I did for A18? Updated it for A19. ;)

So this mod was more of a project to learn things, and also started because of a discussion over in the modding discussion section about ways to clear things on a players death. Also I personally felt the "Dead is Dead" playstyle is... odd. Okay, you died and need to delete your save. Now you just get to start a new save in the same map, so you've got a good idea where stuff is and all the POI's have respawned... and you're back on Day 1.

This changes that.

ResetPlayerDMT  will do the following on player death.

1 - Reset all skills to 0, and remove all learned books.

2 - Remove all skill points gained from resetting your progression, and any you hadn't spent.

3 - Reset player level to 1.

4 - Set the XP to Next Level amount to 11,000 (this is as close to respawning with 0XP as I could get due to vanilla doing odd calcs)
5 - Clear the players quest journal completely (active quests, completed quests, current quests, shared quests)

6 - Clears the current trader faction level, meaning you start from T1 quests again.

7 - Clear the players map completely (thank you khzmusik for this code!)
8 - Set the players land claim block to inactive (thank you HAL9000 for the help with this!)
9 - KILL the players vehicle so it despawns (thank you Mythix for the help with this!)

10 - Delete the spawn point set by the bedroll to force random world spawn.

11 - Give the player the "Go to the trader" quest on respawn. This quest will give you XP and skill points as if you had completed the tutorial once you get to the trader. It will also give you the normal "starting items" as if you just spawned into the world on completion.

12 - Clears trader faction so you start at Tier 1 quests again.

What doesn't it do.

1 - It does NOT re-apply the "newbie buff" but that's easy enough for users to add in if they so wish.
2 - It does NOT generate a "safe zone" like the game would when you first spawn into the world.

3 - It does NOT remove access to player storage.

Now, the player storage. It doesn't remove access to it because cycling through all the owned blocks, and setting them to locked and unowned was really CPU intensive. Also, I realised that players who take over POI's can just use the storage in the POI and thus negate the point of removing ownership from the storage blocks (like chests). It just wasn't worth the CPU overhead.

So if you find your old base, yes you can totally get your stuff back. This is intended to be played with "Delete all on death" rather than dropping your backpack, and I hope it might provide a slightly different play experience for folks.

Files are here for anyone who wants to manually patch with DMT: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/khainedmt-a19/-/archive/master/khainedmt-a19-master.zip?path=HardcoreModeDMT

Please be aware, this does not use harmony and WILL NOT work on overhaul mods (when they become available for A19).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't tested it on servers.

So in THEORY, yes.

But what's the point? You just meet up with your mates and they give you all your stuff back, plus map waypoints and other things. This absolutely wasn't designed with MP in mind since being with other players negates most of it.

EDIT: Also, players would need the mod installed locally.

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It resets basically everything, so you start at level 1, with no map and no spawn points.

In MP, folks can just give you back items and books to at least partially rebuild the character. As for the map, folks can just share waypoints of where things are. Which makes it kinda pointless.

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Well, that operates on the premis that those you are playing with are willing to help. What's more, it also assumes they are of a skill significantly higher than you. Not to mention, you still need to reinvest in developing the character which is not inherently pointless. 


It promotes team work, the understand that lesser characters can be built up as you describe. It also mitigates the "Leroy Jenkins " mentality some players can get if they are faced with a real loss should they die. And if their carelessness is detrimental to the rest of the team they will be reluctance to help build them back up. 


It can be quit useful in MP in our groups opinion, especially in our open servers when you dont know who will jump in and start head hunting.


Thanks for all the feedback :)

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23 hours ago, Lex said:

It promotes team work, the understand that lesser characters can be built up as you describe. It also mitigates the "Leroy Jenkins " mentality some players can get if they are faced with a real loss should they die. And if their carelessness is detrimental to the rest of the team they will be reluctance to help build them back up.

I've been wanting a mod like this for a long time!  Yeah, you can just "delete your game" but that takes some self control and its just sooo hard to do once you've gone far (well, I didn't really *mean* to die, I was just tired and careless, and I've been drinking.....just one more respawn!).  This mod makes it kinda a decent middle ground vs true permadeath. 


Also: I am sometimes the Leroy Jenkins of our team.  Sometimes also in my own single player games :)  I gotta stop doing that. BAD ME! If we got rid of rockets/explosives it would be a lot easier to do, In My Humble "Leroy Jenkins" Opinion, but I *must* have them!

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