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Im currently trying to do a small gameplay overhaul for 7 days to die simmilar to Romero-ish but a bit more leaning towards Resident Evil.

in this overhaul i want zombies to be able to tank an infinite amount of gun and melee damage and the only way to kill them is to get a critical headshot. The Reason i want to do this specific overhaul is because i want zombies to not give a @%$*#! about any kind of damage unless it completely destroys their head or another body part because it seams odd to me that a zombie would die from getting shot in the leg.

In other words: this overhaul is supposed to be a complete gorefest with exploding heads and limbs all over the place.


To make this overhaul fun to play i need a reliable way to call upon critical hits without making it a 100% chance on every headshot because i do want every weapon to require its own amount of headshots to finish off a zombie.


I could propably archieve this by adding a buff to the zombie once he gets hit by you. So if you use a pistol and you do a headshot it would apply the "HeadDamage5" buff if the zombie gets the same buff again it will result in the "HeadDamage4" Buff ones it reaches "HeadDamage1" the buff will apply a 100% critical hit chance for headshots


if you use an AK it could apply the "HeadDamage3" Buff on the first hit so it would require less headshots.


but that doesnt work for shotguns because all the pellets will hit at the same time so i need some command to tell the game that only if say 6 pellets of buckshot hit the head you will get a guaranteed critical.


i would eventually have to just work with headshot multipliers like Romero-ish does but i really want to use the critical hits because it would just be awesome if every single point blank shot with a shotgun would explode the zombies head but if i leave it at the current random chance it means that even 1 pellet at 20 meters distance hitting the head could result in a critical wich would look odd and be slightly unbalanced in this new overhaul.


The 44 Magnum, Sniper and Hunting Rifle will most likely get 100% chances on headshots out of the box but their range and arm/leg damage will vary.


if it really turns out to work how I imagine it I could also implement stun and stumble effects into this system so for example if a zombie reaches "LeftLegDamage3" it could result in him falling over.


Explosives and Fire would be Excluded from this system but i would propably rebalance them to be more powerfull and Rare/Expansive.


And pls dont just say keep the random criticals and stuns because RNG just isnt fun. Also all the values above are just examples i dont know yet if the pistol should require 6 headshots while the Ak needs 3 im figuring that out later.


If anyone has a solution for the shotgun problem i described pls post it below.

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