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{ Resolved } Computer forcibly restarting after a few seconds of getting into the game world


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- <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}" />
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-06-08T23:27:09.808141200Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="8" />
  <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="BugcheckCode">0</Data>
  <Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x0</Data>
  <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0x0</Data>
  <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x0</Data>
  <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0x0</Data>
  <Data Name="SleepInProgress">0</Data>
  <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data>
  <Data Name="BootAppStatus">0</Data>
  <Data Name="Checkpoint">0</Data>
  <Data Name="ConnectedStandbyInProgress">false</Data>
  <Data Name="SystemSleepTransitionsToOn">0</Data>
  <Data Name="CsEntryScenarioInstanceId">0</Data>
  <Data Name="BugcheckInfoFromEFI">false</Data>
  <Data Name="CheckpointStatus">0</Data>

This is the error I get associated with the crash in Event Viewer, this happens every time I try to play 7 days, but once I get into the game, this happens. Very frustrating because I really want to check out all the new content. Anyone have any ideas? 

I did recently install a new RTX 2080 Ti graphics card and increased my RAM by about 4 GB total but other than that, I have not made any changes to my PC. 

No anti Virus or windows Defender.

Watched core temp while playing, seemed relatively normal. 

Looking at my history it might have something to do with the graphics drivers? 

Ive seen people suggest removing a specific font called UNCLL.tff Which I could not find even after making system files un-hidden and viewable. 

to removing Citrix Workspace (Which to my knowledge I do not possess this ) 



It appears that this is a problem with local activation permission for the COM server application with CLSID

Seems to possibly be related to 

I realize at this point it may be better suited to seek troubleshoot advice from a more "tech"support site, but this seems to be an issue many are having with Unity games, so I hope once I am able to resolve the issue, anyone else that may encounter it will have a thread to help guide them better.
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I initially thought this also; but this is a 1000 watt power supply. Its pretty powerful,  I think the 2080 recommended a 650  watt minimum. 
(Edit, just looked it up, its actually 600 watt recommendation)

It has more than enough power even if I wished to overclock it.

I don't think its the power supply.

1. This is a known error with Windows 10.
2. This is a known issue with Unity.

3. Windows event viewer points to a different problem directly related to an access permissions request being denied.

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 
 and APPID 

That app Id pointed to Access Permission in the registry.
 CLSID --> (Local Server 32)

(Remember this is a Restart Crash if it was only the power supply I would not get other errors associated with the crash at the same time. )

4. This only happened "AFTER" updating graphical drivers.
5. It stops after doing a system restore.
6. It started again after the drivers were reinstalled.

Logic would dictate "Just uninstall the latest drivers" but thats not good enough for me I want to legit fix the root cause, not band aid it till another patch comes out.

Fixed. Here is whats funny, it was as simple as lowering the games resolution from the max down to a more standard known resolution (Like 1920 by 1080) 

Oh yea I went in and fixed that other issue as well by granting Local server 32 full admin permissions in regedit,.

But that presents another question, why would the resolution (3840 x 2160, default recommended ) be the reason for the computer restart crashing?? 

If I switch it back mid game it legit causes the crash restart to happen almost immediately; so you might be right, maybe the PSU is too old and lost its efficiency; higher resolution probably requires more power draw especially within a game engine like Unity taxing on tons more graphic intensive settings.

Ive had it since 2012, so that's approx 8 years, its probably time to upgrade it anyway. 

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What CPU are you sporting here?


I'd say that most likely it isn't powerful enough to support that resolution.  Doesn't matter what "default recommended" is. That's just for the display. Your GPU can handle it, but most likely your CPU is chocking to death on the data.

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5 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

What CPU are you sporting here?


I'd say that most likely it isn't powerful enough to support that resolution.  Doesn't matter what "default recommended" is. That's just for the display. Your GPU can handle it, but most likely your CPU is chocking to death on the data.

 Intel Core I7-3820 @ 3.6 GHz (8 CPU)  according to DxDiag. That should be plenty strong enough to support it no?

According to some research Ive done The bottleneck between a 2080 Ti and that particular CPU is less than 6-8%. 
I also don't think the computer would just "Restart Crash" even if it was choking on a surge of data, Likely I would experience severe hangups and white screen crashing of the application itself,

I do appreciate your reply as it gave me something else to think about. 

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3 hours ago, OnlyMeiya said:


 Intel Core I7-3820 @ 3.6 GHz (8 CPU)  according to DxDiag. That should be plenty strong enough to support it no?

According to some research Ive done The bottleneck between a 2080 Ti and that particular CPU is less than 6-8%. 
I also don't think the computer would just "Restart Crash" even if it was choking on a surge of data, Likely I would experience severe hangups and white screen crashing of the application itself,

I do appreciate your reply as it gave me something else to think about. 

If you overclock that to about 4.2GHz, it will completely eliminate the bottleneck.  Could probably tweak the RAM timings some as well.  Doing so would net you about a 10% improvement in performance with this client. I'm basing these numbers on testing at 1080p, since that's the resolution the game client is primarily designed for. Increasing the resolution will put a noticeable strain on your CPU before it puts any strain on the GPU. This is a Voxel game.


You are correct that it wouldn't normally cause those kinds of crashes. However Unity and the 1080/2080 series GPU's have not been getting along well for a few years. I've seen i7-9900k's with 2080 TI's overclocked run into issues with FPS tanking that I can only narrow down to some fault in the engine itself with that architecture. It's been a prevalent issue that I've been attempting to track down since Alpha 16.


Also, I will note that this client has found more faulty PSU's than any other I have ever tested. It has the potential to stress your system more than running Prime95 and Futuremark side-by-side will.

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On 6/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, SylenThunder said:

If you overclock that to about 4.2GHz, it will completely eliminate the bottleneck.  Could probably tweak the RAM timings some as well.  Doing so would net you about a 10% improvement in performance with this client. I'm basing these numbers on testing at 1080p, since that's the resolution the game client is primarily designed for. Increasing the resolution will put a noticeable strain on your CPU before it puts any strain on the GPU. This is a Voxel game.


You are correct that it wouldn't normally cause those kinds of crashes. However Unity and the 1080/2080 series GPU's have not been getting along well for a few years. I've seen i7-9900k's with 2080 TI's overclocked run into issues with FPS tanking that I can only narrow down to some fault in the engine itself with that architecture. It's been a prevalent issue that I've been attempting to track down since Alpha 16.



Thank you for all that information, that was very helpful!

 Also, I will note that this client has found more faulty PSU's than any other I have ever tested. It has the potential to stress your system more than running Prime95 and Futuremark side-by-side will.

I laughed at this, QFT.

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