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Game Crashing


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I didnt want to make the title huge but essentially the Game loads into my generated world using a random seed. sometimes i can move around a bit sometimes i cant and it crashes right away. When it does crash i still do hear sound for a couple of seconds before the game just closes.


Quick Specs:


CPU: i5-8600k 3.60GHx

GPU: geforce 1070ti

Ram: 16.00GB



What i have tried:

Running the game on all low graphic settings

Forcing the game to run on directx10 ( a thread on another forum suggested trying it)

Turning off all AV programs and running game (only ones i have are built in windows10 AV)

Tried running game directly from 7daystodie folder.

Uninstalled GPU drivers and did a clean reinstall (i have a geforce1070Ti and when i reinstalled i just used the basic drivers and did a clean install and did not install the geforce experience package just in case that was interfering)

Verified i have all and most recent windows updates (did this before clean install of GPU drivers as i know windows likes to overwrite and mess with the drivers.)

Verified integrity of game files (Just FYI i just installed the game again for first time 3 days or so ago. I did a reformat of my computer about 4-5 months ago and hadn't installed it since doing so.)

Cleaned all gamedata for 7daystodie through the launcher settings and started fresh with new profile and random generated world. (did this before running the verify integrity game files)


I have attached the logs the particular things i see and from researching a bit it is trying to access something with unity and getting cannot access errors and i think that is whats causing the crash but could be wrong.


and paste of what i see right before all the errors start (full log is attached to pastebin)


Unloading 17970 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 519056.
Total: 440.665500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 27.382000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 11.665000 ms MarkObjects: 372.152000 ms  DeleteObjects: 29.466000 ms)

Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 1374)

d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 0 size 96) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 0 size 12) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 0 size 3072) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 0 size 216) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 0 size 10368) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 0 size 900) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 1 size 10368) [0x887A0005]
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 1 size 900) [0x887A0005]
InvalidOperationException: Cannot access the data as it is not available
  at UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.GetData[T] (System.Int32 layer) [0x00017] in <ca1d1fd848884ed5a84a515243f09e15>:0 
  at OcclusionManager.OnRequest (UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest req) [0x00010] in <abc1cae220c641248ccf17f83a8861d4>:0 
(Filename: <ca1d1fd848884ed5a84a515243f09e15> Line: 0)


Pastebin link for full crash log: https://pastebin.com/1yGH9Lxx


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Go here and download the driver.



Run the installer as admin.

Opt-out of GE-Force Experience. Your CPU doesn't need the added bloat.

Choose advanced/custom installation.

Un-tick the HD Audio drivers unless you use your tv for speakers.

Tick the box for Perform a clean installation.

Once it is finished, reboot your computer fully.


Start the game, go into settings, and turn OFF Texture Streaming.

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6 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Go here and download the driver.



Run the installer as admin.

Opt-out of GE-Force Experience. Your CPU doesn't need the added bloat.

Choose advanced/custom installation.

Un-tick the HD Audio drivers unless you use your tv for speakers.

Tick the box for Perform a clean installation.

Once it is finished, reboot your computer fully.


Start the game, go into settings, and turn OFF Texture Streaming.


I went ahead and gave this a try and sadly the game is still crashing. It loaded up, looked at my hands and and moved around a bit and it froze up i heard the sound of like movement though it was still frozen and then the game closes. Any other suggestions. (I tried with a new world just to make sure it wasnt something with the world that i created earlier today.)

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Do you have any overlay software like RivaTuner or Fraps or anything at all running in the background that would show something on screen while you're playing? If so, disable it.


Do you use USB audio device like headset? (this was an ancient problem that was long since solved, but you never know)


Have you tried re-installing DirectX 12? (Older versions are included for games like this)

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8 hours ago, Fox said:

Do you have any overlay software like RivaTuner or Fraps or anything at all running in the background that would show something on screen while you're playing? If so, disable it.


Do you use USB audio device like headset? (this was an ancient problem that was long since solved, but you never know)


Have you tried re-installing DirectX 12? (Older versions are included for games like this)

I do not have any programs like that, and ive seen things about citrix and that is not installed either as i have a work laptop so dont use my personal computer. I do use audio headset which is usb. I just gave the try of unplugging it and removing it from the equation but it still crashed. Also i run on windows10 and since windows10 you cant uninstall/reinstall directx12 or i would have tried that already. There is no way to remove it as it comes with windows update. If i wanted to reinstall it i would have to reformat my whole computer again.

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48 minutes ago, rage992 said:

Also i run on windows10 and since windows10 you cant uninstall/reinstall directx12 or i would have tried that already. There is no way to remove it as it comes with windows update. If i wanted to reinstall it i would have to reformat my whole computer again.

Hmm, I did not know that. Interesting. I might experiment with that the next time I install Win10 on someone's computer. In the very least, the user should be allowed to force repair DirectX files in case of hidden corruption or something.


Just for the sake of eliminating this possibility... have you tried doing a memtest86 on your ram yet, or any other hardware tests like making sure your system is completely stable with it's clock settings and whatnot?

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17 minutes ago, Fox said:

Hmm, I did not know that. Interesting. I might experiment with that the next time I install Win10 on someone's computer. In the very least, the user should be allowed to force repair DirectX files in case of hidden corruption or something.


Just for the sake of eliminating this possibility... have you tried doing a memtest86 on your ram yet, or any other hardware tests like making sure your system is completely stable with it's clock settings and whatnot?

As a tech support person as my occupation the first thing i think about is bad hardware. The very first thing i always check is my hardware i want to get that out of the way before even thinking about software. I did just test my ram again and it is fine. I also dont like overclocking anything so nothing has been tweaked in regards to that.


I will however state that if it was a hardware issue i wouldnt just have issue with 1 game. it would be effecting other games as well, I play a lot of games that are much more graphic/memory intensive than 7daystodie and never seen any issues like this ever. So i dont think it has anything to do with hardware. It something software wise that i just cant figure out. As ive stated in my original post that from what i can see in the logs it trying to access something with Unity and saying that it cannot access it as its not available and thats whats causing the crash. So that leads me to believe software not hardware.


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44 minutes ago, rage992 said:

I play a lot of games that are much more graphic/memory intensive than 7daystodie


No offense, but I'd love to know which game(s) you think are more hardware demanding than 7d2d cuz I for 1 haven't seen any yet and I myself have gone through thousands of games over the years.


And back when I had faulty ram, for some reason, I could only get it to crash with 2 games out of several that I was playing at the time. It was this game and Euro Truck Simulator (of all games). It would instantly crash to desktop with this game but allowed me to play ETS for 1/2 hour before crashing to desktop. All other games like Rise of the Tomb Raider, GTAV, etc all played fine for several hours at a time. It was weird. And worst of all, Memtest86 only showed errors occasionally. I had to do the test several times and clean and re-seat the ram sticks in order to make sure it wasn't just dirty. Since then, I never rule out the possibility of bad hardware even when it's only affected by a single game.

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34 minutes ago, Fox said:

No offense, but I'd love to know which game(s) you think are more hardware demanding than 7d2d cuz I for 1 haven't seen any yet and I myself have gone through thousands of games over the years.


And back when I had faulty ram, for some reason, I could only get it to crash with 2 games out of several that I was playing at the time. It was this game and Euro Truck Simulator (of all games). It would instantly crash to desktop with this game but allowed me to play ETS for 1/2 hour before crashing to desktop. All other games like Rise of the Tomb Raider, GTAV, etc all played fine for several hours at a time. It was weird. And worst of all, Memtest86 only showed errors occasionally. I had to do the test several times and clean and re-seat the ram sticks in order to make sure it wasn't just dirty. Since then, I never rule out the possibility of bad hardware even when it's only affected by a single game.

I take no offense, and if what i said came off as an attack i apologize for that i was just speaking from experience that ive never seen instances like that.


Ark: Survival evolved that i run on ultra settings on servers with 60+ pop uses a lot more than 7daystodie memory and graphics wise. and i can play that game 12+ hours straight with no issues and never had it crash on me. I may get some FPS drop thats about it but thats due to the stuff loading in when flying around or something.


I am not saying you're wrong i'm just saying that i've never seen an instance where if hardware is faulty that everything runs fine for one thing but not the other. As you stated you could play certain games for up to a half hour or more before it crashed i dont see any crashes with any other games and when i have my days off i sometimes put 16+ hours into a game on those days. I havent paid too much attention to usage and stuff but i believe Escape from Tarkov is high up there with cpu/memory usage as well and i play that a lot too but i could be wrong.

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Try this

  1. Press “Windows Key + Q”.
  2. Type “cmd” without quotes in the search box.
  3. On the left pane, right click on the “cmd” option and select “Run as Administrator”.
  4. Type ‘sfc /scannow’ without quotes and hit enter.
  5. Then in same window, copy paste this: (needs to be exact)
  6. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  7. Then re-run sfc /scannow once dism finished
  8. Shut your PC off.
  9. Remove all power from the PC. (LAN cable, usb devices, ect.)
  10. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. (Some systems you must repeatedly press the power button.)
  11. Plug everything back in.
  12. Turn it back on.
  13. Walk away. Just because you see your desktop, your PC is not done initializing. Even in today's world of NVMe drives, it can take up to 5 minutes for Windows to actually finish loading.  Go have some coffee.
  14. Try again.


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56 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Try this

  1. Press “Windows Key + Q”.
  2. Type “cmd” without quotes in the search box.
  3. On the left pane, right click on the “cmd” option and select “Run as Administrator”.
  4. Type ‘sfc /scannow’ without quotes and hit enter.
  5. Then in same window, copy paste this: (needs to be exact)
  6. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  7. Then re-run sfc /scannow once dism finished
  8. Shut your PC off.
  9. Remove all power from the PC. (LAN cable, usb devices, ect.)
  10. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. (Some systems you must repeatedly press the power button.)
  11. Plug everything back in.
  12. Turn it back on.
  13. Walk away. Just because you see your desktop, your PC is not done initializing. Even in today's world of NVMe drives, it can take up to 5 minutes for Windows to actually finish loading.  Go have some coffee.
  14. Try again.


I followed this procedure and unfortunately its still crashing. I get in moved my character around a bit and froze up i heard a noise of me hitting a bush while it was frozen then it crashed.

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5 hours ago, rage992 said:

Ark: Survival evolved that i run on ultra settings on servers with 60+ pop uses a lot more than 7daystodie memory and graphics wise.

Nope, sorry, but 7D2D is much worse on hardware than Ark. There's a reason why there's no stable servers out there with 60+ players for 7d2d. Ark is just a bumpy canvas with common animations and moving entities, which is why they're able to get away with such nice visuals. 7d2d has structural integrity calculations, gravity, weather, fully destructible voxel world similar to Minecraft as well as all the common animations and moving entities. This game pushes everything pretty hard... CPU (all cores), GPU (core and memory), SSD (constant reads and writes), RAM, and because of all that stress, it also pushes the PSU hard as well. My knowledge with Ark is far outdated as I haven't touched the game since Alpha, but, it probably still only benefits from 2 CPU cores, uses as much ram as 7d2d (8GB - 16GB without mods), stresses out the GPU to the limit, but probably barely uses the SSD. A lot of Ark players are able to get 4k resolution with acceptable fps on high settings despite the already fancy graphics. I doubt anyone can say the same with the latest 7D2D even though it isn't nearly as pretty.

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6 minutes ago, Fox said:

Nope, sorry, but 7D2D is much worse on hardware than Ark. There's a reason why there's no stable servers out there with 60+ players for 7d2d. Ark is just a bumpy canvas with common animations and moving entities, which is why they're able to get away with such nice visuals. 7d2d has structural integrity calculations, gravity, weather, fully destructible voxel world similar to Minecraft as well as all the common animations and moving entities. This game pushes everything pretty hard... CPU (all cores), GPU (core and memory), SSD (constant reads and writes), RAM, and because of all that stress, it also pushes the PSU hard as well. My knowledge with Ark is far outdated as I haven't touched the game since Alpha, but, it probably still only benefits from 2 CPU cores, uses as much ram as 7d2d (8GB - 16GB without mods), stresses out the GPU to the limit, but probably barely uses the SSD. A lot of Ark players are able to get 4k resolution with acceptable fps on high settings despite the already fancy graphics. I doubt anyone can say the same with the latest 7D2D even though it isn't nearly as pretty.

I dunno i have played both and usually watch my performance and percentage usage on my memory cpu etc and i never seen 7daystodie spike as high as i have in Ark. I also havent played 7daystodie since i think alpha 16. So i cant say with the now how it is.

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5 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

I'm at a loss if you're still getting the DirectX error. 98% of the time performing a clean install of the latest video drivers fixes that. It's usually caused by not having a driver, or using the Windows version that doesn't have Direct3D Acceleration.

I am confused, where is it indicating a directx error? As when i search the log i posted i dont see anything about directx being stated anywhere besides at the beginning of the log telling direct3d. Maybe i am reading the log wrong, would you be able to point to me on the crash log where it indicates a directx problem?


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1 minute ago, SylenThunder said:

That was in your very first post.

You've a whole series of those, which is what leads to the crash.


I really wish there was a way to reinstall on windows.... Do you think if i ran a windows repair it would maybe replace those files if one of them is corrupted? Also d3d11 means version 11 if im not mistaken correct?


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18 minutes ago, rage992 said:

I really wish there was a way to reinstall on windows.... Do you think if i ran a windows repair it would maybe replace those files if one of them is corrupted? Also d3d11 means version 11 if im not mistaken correct?


Yes, a in-place upgrade / repair would likely fix it, though you may need to re-install some programs and will need to re-install the GPU driver afterwards. 

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