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Visual errors in modded worlds


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Morning all, 


I was hoping for a bit of help with a strange, but annoying, glitch I've been encountering. The errors occur in Nitrogen maps and last night in Darkness Falls.
Now to be clear, I'm not blaming this on either of those great mods, I think the issue is my end.

So the problem is I'm sometimes seeing random out of place blocks, not a big deal but some of them cover whole POI's. They are not there in the world, it is a visual issue only. I can pass straight through them and exiting/re-entering the game  normally removes them. They also happen at random, not every POI, normally when exploring a new area or loading a new chunk of the world in.

I've only encountered this in Nitrogen and DF, never in Nav or standard RWG maps. 

To give you a better idea here are some screenshots, if I'd thought about this I'd have taken some better shots but I think this helps explains the problem.





My PC is pretty old but runs the game fine. Specs if this helps, 

i5 4670k



I have the game installed on an SSHD. I could put it on my SSD in case that is an issue? I was thinking a memory problem personally. 


I'd love a fix for this as I love how quickly Nitrogen chucks out decent maps and I really want to give DF a proper go but when I see things like this it just kills the immersion for me and I normally switch off. So any help would be greatly appreciated. 





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The reason is that the distant POI models (imposters) dont get removed. So you will see those distant models placed over the actual POI.

Must be some bug when there are too many prefabs in the area, or too many loaded.


I mostly experience that when there are all the CompoPack POIs loaded togeather with the vanilla POIs.


In the end, its a bug in the game code, that handles fading in and out the imposter models (on very populated worlds).


A temporary workaround is to exit and load the gameworld again, so the imposters vanish.

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3 hours ago, Damocles said:

The reason is that the distant POI models (imposters) dont get removed. So you will see those distant models placed over the actual POI.

Must be some bug when there are too many prefabs in the area, or too many loaded.


I mostly experience that when there are all the CompoPack POIs loaded togeather with the vanilla POIs.


In the end, its a bug in the game code, that handles fading in and out the imposter models (on very populated worlds).


A temporary workaround is to exit and load the gameworld again, so the imposters vanish.

OK thanks for that

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