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No spawning


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I hope I have the right place this time...   Says PC bug reports....   I don't know how but no zombies...   I had several games going, with mods.  All a sudden, all the games have no zombies even on horde night...  


I think I have the file attached...  JIC... 








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Thank you for replying :)   Yesterday I downloaded the vanilla game and played it vanilla right off steam...  Still, no spawning...  Moved it to horde night.  Nothing...  I deleted everything I could find, missed something cus when I again reinstalled it had my saves and settings, and no spawning  on Navezgane map...   I am completely confused...  I will again try to find everything to do with the game and delete and hopefully find whatever is causing this...  Thank you again for your help !  :)





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Your logfile still claims the world data is from Alpha 18 (b35). Whether that is the real reason or not, it is a strong indication that you were not successful in removing old data. 


Start the game launcher and delete all user data. Then remove 7d2d completely. Check that the games install location and data locations are empty (with explorer if you are on windows), then reinstall



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Thank you so much for your help.   I thought I had last time,  would it be possible to get a list of where to find all the data?   I used explorer last time searching for "days" .  Apparently I missed something...  I know there is user/appdata.   The game location, and saves location...  any other that you know of?


Thank you!



Was thinking, if I install a mod (7D2D Mod launcher) and use one of the maps the mod comes with, should work , right???

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If you use a mod, any mod, you are muddying the water, since nobody can be sure if it is the game or the mod that is the culprit. As long as you are trying to fix your game and are just testing, you have no use for a mod anyway.


A list with paths can be found in one of the sticky threads here in "General Support"


Generally it should be the game itself in a location chosen by steam and the stuff in appdata. You should be able to find and delete the appdata folder through the game launcher as well. The log message in your case points to the game itself (i.e. the program and data downloaded from steam) being partly outdated


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I did launch it from the steam install, no mods.  Still, no spawning...  Advanced to day 2 and 3 and 7... no zombies to be found.  WEIRD!!!   


Will go back and try deleting everything again...  Thank you for your help  :)

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Hey, I am still trying to 

On 5/20/2020 at 10:31 AM, meganoth said:

If you use a mod, any mod, you are muddying the water, since nobody can be sure if it is the game or the mod that is the culprit. As long as you are trying to fix your game and are just testing, you have no use for a mod anyway.


A list with paths can be found in one of the sticky threads here in "General Support"


Generally it should be the game itself in a location chosen by steam and the stuff in appdata. You should be able to find and delete the appdata folder through the game launcher as well. The log message in your case points to the game itself (i.e. the program and data downloaded from steam) being partly outdated


Hey, I am still trying to solve this issue...  I used a RWG map...  Still not spawing.  I moved to Horde day and saw in the log that a horde spawned but nothing showed up..  Please help me solve this issue...    The spawning horde is at the very end of the file...  The game is just no fun without zombies ...


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4 hours ago, Supertint said:

Hey, I am still trying to 

Hey, I am still trying to solve this issue...  I used a RWG map...  Still not spawing.  I moved to Horde day and saw in the log that a horde spawned but nothing showed up..  Please help me solve this issue...    The spawning horde is at the very end of the file...  The game is just no fun without zombies ...

output_log__2020-05-23__07-46-25.txt 55.37 kB · 0 downloads


Your log shows that the game wants to create a directory "C:/Users/Karl/AppData/LocalLow/The Fun Pimps" and this is denied by the operating system or possibly AV software. Now LocalLow is (according to the internet) supposed to be a directory with very low access hurdles, even a browser who usually is denied all access to your harddisk can write there. Do you have some AV software that might be blocking access there? Turn it off (just for a test run) and see if zombies turn up. Don't wait for horde night, just go into any POI you didn't loot already and see if there are zombies inside (just run through a few rooms, shoot a gun.


Not sure if the access to LocalLow is really important. it seems it is mostly a data store for telemetry data. But it might also indicate similar problems elsewhere, where access really is needed.


The logfile you posted seems to show that you just logged in and logged out 1 minute later. Not really enough to notice if zombies are around or not. Please try the above and post a log where you go through a poi.


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Thank your for helping again.   I went back and played 16.4 and zombies.  So I tried 17....  worked...  Started on 18.2... ok!   Now 18.4 seems to be working too...  


no idea what changed  if your curious I can upload the log for it...  I have had issues with directory access before... maybe that was it and installing an older version did something...  SOOO WEIRD!  


Thank you again...

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