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Gamma limitter mod

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I am looking for a mod for the gamma limit so that the player can not set more than limit. 

please tell me how to do this, or share a link to the mod.
I know that such a mod is installed in ravenhearst, I tried to use the mod from there, it does not work.

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It's a DMT mod which was built to be a part of that overhaul. There are quite a few DMT mods that are unique to overhauls and you can't just take them and throw them into your game as a modlet which is why it didn't work when you tried. Maybe ask the author if he can release it as a standalone DMT mod. That way you could use it in your game outside the overhaul.

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Just now, mr.devolver said:

Это мод DMT, который был построен, чтобы быть частью этого капитального ремонта. Существует немало модов DMT, которые уникальны для капитального ремонта, и вы не можете просто взять их и добавить в игру как модлет, поэтому это не сработало, когда вы пытались. Возможно, спросите автора, может ли он выпустить его как отдельный мод DMT. Таким образом, вы можете использовать его в своей игре вне капитального ремонта.

Thanks, I wrote on his topic. 
The question is open. Maybe someone else can write such a mod, I think the mod would be useful for the community. So many with whom I played talked about this.

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