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How to lock containers in Prefab Tool


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As the title suggests, how do you lock a container in the built in Prefab Tool Editor? You can hold E on doors and get the options, containers like the "Munitions Box" wont give you that option..?

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OP, the munitions create would need to be modified via XML if you want it lockable.  I created a modlet related to this.  You can either download and use what I created or modify it to your liking.  Enjoy!



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1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

OP, the munitions create would need to be modified via XML if you want it lockable.  I created a modlet related to this.  You can either download and use what I created or modify it to your liking.  Enjoy!



There are many modlets listed in that thread..if your link was meant to jump to the specific one.. sadly it doesn't, starts at top... 


Is it a tool or something that adds the ability to "lock/unlock" such containers in the prefab tool?


IF not.. Which XML file / where do I go to modify that specific container?


I loaded the "Prefab_name.xml" file, and its pretty short, no list of containers that I can alter the data on... Am I looking in the wrong place?

Is there a guide or info on how to edit said xmls I can look up?

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