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Updates for console should wait untill next gen consoles(Xbox series X, PS5)


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I think that any updates, for console (if they are even in the works) should be postponed. Now I am a console player and I bought this game the day it came out for Xbox. And I watched the video of one of the developers talking about console updates, one of the main problems being CPU and RAM, and just the console capability to run the game. Now these next gen consoles(Xbox series X, PS5) with have processing power on par or better than most PC's. Therefore they can make bigger updates, and waiting for these next gen ones will give them more time to work on updates. the consoles will be able to run them fine. I'm not sure about Sony but Microsoft said that this next console will be 100% focused on gaming. And I think that the next gen consoles will be a new start for 7 days to die. And I think that the game should cost the exact same price and Xbox one and PS4 and people who bought the game on those consoles should get the game for free on the next gen consoles. If you disagree with anything I have said, please comment on this and tell me what you think should be different. And remember I'm a console player and I know we've waited too long for updates, but we need to wait a little bit longer. I love playing this game and always have. And I just want it to be the best that it can be for console players too.

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2 hours ago, linewalker said:

Pretty sure they said updates to the console version will break saves so there is no point because sony and microsoft wont allow that

Yes. But since the OP talks about next gen consoles (where no saves exist yet), your point is moot


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Next gen consoles are going to be a BEAST!!! Zen2 Ryzen CPU with 8 Cores 16 Threads, RDNA2 Architecture, 12 TFLOP GPU, Ray-Tracing, 16 GB GDDR6, and a SSD. Plus with the work that the Ray-Tracing's engine is doing with Microsoft's DirectX accelerated hardware, the Series X can actually do up to a total of 25 TFLOPS. The Series X is gonna be a MONSTER lol! With that being said, if you start the video I linked at the bottom at 8:30 listen for about 2 mins or so...



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