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Been Unable to join my server


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I decided a few days back I was going to start running a server again for me and some buddies. I kept getting this error from the start where I would get through the entire load-in process but then it would boot me out immediately after initializing world and throw out to object not set to an instance of an object. most solutions I found involved validating files and reinstalling the game which leads me to my next point. I was normally able to join ONCE every time I reinstalled the game, then would have to repeat for every time I wanted to join. I kinda just sucked it up because it worked (despite probably being bs) however it stopped working recently and I'm stumped. thinking of going to the extreme and reinstalling windows.


Output log on my last attempt: https://pastebin.com/kAayMvGT


I would like to avoid going to the extreme unless necessary. As far as server information goes in doesn't list any errors other than the client has disconnected. Server and client are both running in A18.3 (b4)


I posted originally on the steam forum post and got a little response which suggested antivirus of which I had windows defender on. I have since disabled windows defender yet the issue persists (with no output log change). I also noted that the buddies I play with are running strong firewall programs than I am and are getting in just fine.

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WKE said:

I decided a few days back I was going to start running a server again.

If you started a few days ago why run 18.3?

WKE said:

I kept getting this error from the start where I would get through the entire load-in process
but then it would boot me out immediately after initializing world and throw out to object
not set to an instance of an object. ... I was normally able to join ONCE every time I reinstalled
the game, then would have to repeat for every time I wanted to join.

This might be a memory issue, in spite of you having 16 Gigs of ram, loading a 16K map takes a
lot of memory. (among other things). Check that your swapfile is set to be managed by Windows
and not set manually. Bandwidth and network protocol can also be an issue with 16K worlds.
Is the server on the same LAN as your client? As a test, I'd also try using Litenetlib instead of
Steamnetworking to connect.

At this point it's likely your local copy of the game is corrupted as well. Delete it from:
The server will give you a new copy.

WKE said:

thinking of going to the extreme and reinstalling windows.

Based on the info provided, this would be a waste of your time.

WKE said:

I have since disabled windows defender yet the issue persists (with no output log change).

Don't disable your Anti-virus; Too risky. Exclude the game folder from AV scans.
Your server log may be helpful as well.

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1. Why are you running 18.3 still?

2. Didn't I already answer all of this somewhere else? (Your question and hardware specs are very familiar.)





If you have no antivirus software installed, you have Windows Defender. I cover this information in the Sticky FAQ thread here. You also have the Windows firewall.


Also I still haven't seen the server log.

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i will fish up a server log in a bit but for now, The reason im running 18.3 still is there is no stable build option for 18.4 (at least not that i can see). As far as antivirus goes i have none besides defender which i turned off. I usually have defender turned off as it messes with more things than it seems to stop for me. Server is hosted at an external location however all the networking seems solid as i have hosted more than just 7dtd from it as well as others are able to join without issues. I will try Litenetlib. and as for a corrupt world file i want to rule that out as i have hard reinstalled 7dtd twice and have re downloaded the world (unless the server is sending me a corrupt file, but then again others have been playing just fine).

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The reason there appears to be no stable build option is because it IS the current stable build. When you select "NONE - Opt out of all betas" from the drop-down that puts you into the current stable build, which is 18.4.

Even though you turned Defender off, it's still doing shit. That's Microshaft for you. You will still need to exclude the client from it. I have links to instructions in the Sticky FAQ.

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Client side: https://pastebin.com/WzmLr5Le

Server side: https://pastebin.com/UxXG7VVm

I also just remembered i initially had steam networks disabled (per default) and was trying to use Litenetlib and no one was able to connect.


Edit: 7dtd is already allowed through defender, and i will update both server and client.


Edit 2: no dices still unfortunately after attempted fixes.


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If you have the port forwarding set up correctly for the server, you should have steamnetworking in the disabled network protocols. Usually on the dedicated server that will be the only item listed. If you're not sure on the port forward, or just want to let your modem/router automatically handle opening the ports, then you would have nothing listed in the disabled protocols. You should only ever disable LiteNetLib when you are testing, or if you know your configuration will have an issue with it. The feature is very reliable, and is designed specifically to improve and optimize network bandwidth performance. It's an integral part of the communication protocols.

Now looking at the server log, it shows you attempting to connect to the server. The server logs you in, and before it gets to where it would spawn your player character, you are disconnecting from the server.
There is no error shown on the server indicating it has kicked you, or there is a server side authentication issue with Steam. You authenticate at 23:02:20, and then drop at 23:04:23, so your entire connection attempt on the server's view is just about 2 minutes.

Looking at the client side, it shows you connecting at 23:02:20. At 23:04:22 you start getting the connection error. Now this is a Steamworks.net connection error, so it's not likely related to the server based on what we're seeing in the server log. If it were an issue with your connection to the server, we would see messages on the server that are similar. One second after your client gets this error, the server sees your client disconnect.
So the conclusion is most likely that something is blocking the connection on your client PC. Either it's blocking the client's ability to talk to Steam servers, or to the dedicated server. It is also remotely possible that you simply didn't open all of the ports required for the server. (Ran into a similar issue with someone a few weeks ago I just recalled, and it was because they had two servers overlapping the port range, so the connection port wasn't available.) 

Is anyone else able to connect to your server?
I just tried, but it appears to be offline.

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might have had it down while i was messing with it and your attempt just happened to coincide, restarting it with a temp password of abc123. server name is Virtnut. The server is hosted from a vm that has all possible ports for Ark forwarded (long story) and then 25157 for 7dtd. I have had three others join me but trying to get a log out of them would be like pulling teeth as they strongly dislike digging through file explorer.

Feel free to take another crack at joining.

another minor point i suppose is this is the second time of me hosting a 7dtd server for this group the last one being some point in A17 i believe and everything worked fine. Nothing would have changed in my system for 7dtd besides me briefly attempting to mod which any remnants from that were wiped in the last hard reinstall of 7dtd.


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Still getting a connection failed, but your reply has possibly given us the answer.

"ports for Ark forwarded (long story) and then 25157 for 7dtd"

If you only forwarded port 25157 for the server, that is your issue. The UDP ports the client needs to connect are closed. You should have port 25157 TCP, and 25157-25160 UDP forwarded. (Default game ports would be 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP.)

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alright then i suppose we are done for the night, i dont have direct access to port forwarding, i have to put in a request. I will reach out again afterward but hopefully it will be with good news.

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I quess it was the map as goofy as that is. loaded up a 4k and joined just fine. sorry i rules that out so easily but it seems odd buddies of mine were able to join just fine with it being the map.

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