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question about mods


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Hi, I've played for a while but I just recently added a few mods that still keep vanilla gameplay but add some more variance for visuals. I'm using Guppcur;s Creature Pack -Zombies- Mod and Bad Company UMA Zombies. Both are simply cosmetic, all zombie behaviour is normal. Will some of those zombies still have a chance to become Ferals? I'm quite a ways in to a new game and I've yet to see one.



I bumped into a Feral Wight yesterday and had to kill it with a chainsaw as it caught me completely off guard during a supply run. I play dead as dead so that one had the heart rate kick up a bit.


Edit : If this is in the wrong forums section please move it. - I rarely post on these forums so I don't know.

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Thank you - I saw that creature pack but I only want the zombies added in - not all the other animals and creatures. Is that possible?


It's totally possible as all the new creatures are in separate categories and it's up to you which categories you want to download and use. You may use one, two, three, all of them or none at all, it's all up to you.

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