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Giant rare monsters


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Hey guys, I started playing 7dtd literally since the 1st Alpha when the game was on Kickstart, I have 1800 hours play time on Steam and maybe 200-300 more before Steam and I am huge supporter of the game. I played actively until 2016 and then I just got over saturated of the survival genre and took a break for few years and recently came back after A18 was released and I am just blown away how far this game has gone, I feel like it's a completely new game and I love it. I love seeing so many community ideas added to the game that were only forum dreams back in the day.


I know it's a long shot and maybe this post won't be even seen by the Pimps, but just want to share an idea, if it takes of will be great, if not I know at least I tried (I searched and didn't see other relative posts at least). So when I came back to the game again and started fortifying my base, the first night came and the adrenaline was high, my base was close to a town so I could see the silhouette of buildings in the town but not close enough to distinguish the type of buildings. I went outside in the dark because I really needed more wood and there was a close one next to my base. I started walking toward the tree and in the distance I saw something that scared the crop out of me, I'm not even kidding I was like WTF. What appeared in the distance where the town was a saw a HUGE thing that I thought it was some kind of a huge/legendary monster, it looked like some kind of kraken. I ran back in my base waiting for the morning and thinking "could this really be?" The morning came I went outside and started walking toward the town, but then I realized it was just a water tower that looked like a giant monster with the nearby buildings silhouettes. I felt kind of stupid but just this feeling of pure unexpected horror and adrenaline gave me a feeling of a "high" that stuck with me so I started thinking isn't going to be super cool if there were really a giant, destructive and very hard to kill monsters that are very rare (for a reason) but just thinking something like that exists and can encounter adds this feeling of paranoia and excitement. Anyway I just wanted to share it and if the devs see it maybe they can give it a thought.

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I've been playing around with this exact thing. Just having a biome specific giant zombie, that roams each biome. It's been a hit and miss thing atm, but mostly doable. When I had it a pure melee zed, it had some pretty glaring issues pathing and some other things.

When I altered it to be mostly ranged, it started to shine a lot better.

So yeah, Melee? not so much. Mostly ranged? works pretty good.

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Probably won't see anything like that for vanilla due to the dev's push to get the game released relatively soon. However, the community has created some creative things. There are the overhauls (e.g. Darkness Falls, Ravenhurst and War of the Walkers i think) and then their is snufkin's interesting mash up of creatures.

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