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Cant download any multiplayer map


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When i try to connect to any multiplayer map, with and without mods. My game will stop responding and i have to force close the game. I've uninstalled and wiped everything 7d2d related from my pc and fresh reinstall it. Firewall is good to let me through and still no luck of any kind to play. Does anyone know of a fix to get this to work? Please and thank you.

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Sounds like your security software is causing a problem with saving the information in the Appdata folder. This is common with antivirus software that has slightly overzealous ransomware protection. It prevents most games from saving data there. I cover the details of why and how to exclude in the Sticky FAQ thread.

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Sounds like your security software is causing a problem with saving the information in the Appdata folder. This is common with antivirus software that has slightly overzealous ransomware protection. It prevents most games from saving data there. I cover the details of why and how to exclude in the Sticky FAQ thread.


Hey i just did that and still nothing. It's during when i download a map, it gets stuck at a random % with an estimated time and just stops responding. I'm honestly at my wit's end with this. Any other suggestions on how to get this fixed?

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