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FennecModlets for A18


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FennecMod, but now in Modlet form!


Greetings everybody! Now that A18 is finally in a stable point release, it's now time to get A18's FennecModlets underway! This time, I'm going the whole hog down the DMT and CSharp route to add in custom functionality that I've wanted to do since the original FennecMod in A16, and so far we've had some awesome new features.



FennecCore - The FennecModlet Library

Before installing any of the FennecModlets, you will need to have installed the DMT modding tool and then get FennecCore. This modlet doesn't add anything on its own, rather it's a shared library of methods and code snippets that I use across the other FennecModlets. For any modders out there that do work in CSharp, you may use FennecCore's methods in your own modlets if you wish as there's a few nice static helper classes that can help reduce the barriers of modding this way.



FennecModlet - CoreModlet - Transformer Blocks

This modlet is required by some of the larger FennecModlets. It adds blocks into the game that store items in an inventory and transform them into other items over time. This allows you to add recipes that, using these blocks, can have more than one item as an output, and can also have different probabilities of giving items as outputs or taking inputs. A full documentation is in the XML for this modlet.



FennecModlet - Foods - Additional Foods

The A17 version returns now in A18, with some nice new features. Beehives are now using the transformer block system (so you need FennecCore and Transformer Blocks to run this modlet) and even more foods have been added. Also, fishing nets make a return as well as some nice new food workstations such as the sausage maker, drying rack and smoker.



Download (A18)

Here is how to download and install any of the modlets from this collection


DMT Installation

1. Go to the FennecModlets GitHub repository HERE

2. Clone or download the entire repository as a zip.

3. Locate the DMT mods folder and copy all modlets into this folder.

4. Launch DMT. Check each modlet you wish to add and click Build.

5. Click Play to launch 7 Days. The mods will now be installed.



Contact Me

For any questions about the modlets or to report bugs, feel free to get in touch with me here on the forum thread. Alternatively you can find me in the following places:


YouTube: MaxFox Gaming on YouTube

Twitch: MaxFox Gaming on Twitch

Twitter: MaxFox_Gaming on Twitter

Discord: The Foxmillions' Community

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i have this error

d: \ DMTv1.5.7235.19353 \ Mods \ FennecModlet_CoreMod_TransformerBlocks \ Scripts \ Block \ BlockTransformer.cs (156,26): error CS0508: 'BlockTransformer.OnBlockDestroyedBy (WorldBase, int, Vector3i, BlockValue: Der, returning type must be 'Block.DestroyedResult' to match the overridden member 'Block.OnBlockDestroyedBy (WorldBase, int, Vector3i, BlockValue, int, bool)'.

Failed to compile Mods.dll

Build failed


process exited with error code -1

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i have this error

d: \ DMTv1.5.7235.19353 \ Mods \ FennecModlet_CoreMod_TransformerBlocks \ Scripts \ Block \ BlockTransformer.cs (156,26): error CS0508: 'BlockTransformer.OnBlockDestroyedBy (WorldBase, int, Vector3i, BlockValue: Der, returning type must be 'Block.DestroyedResult' to match the overridden member 'Block.OnBlockDestroyedBy (WorldBase, int, Vector3i, BlockValue, int, bool)'.

Failed to compile Mods.dll

Build failed


process exited with error code -1


Are you compiling against 18.3? or 18.2?

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