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Join distant game with mods


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Does a new player joining a game that uses mods need to install the mods (xml / scripts / harmony ?), or is it downloaded automatically when he joins the game ?


Thank you !


Yopu need to install mon only if server run large mod such as "Ravenhearst" or "Darkness Falls". If it only server mods, it runs automatically on connect. Most of modded servers use server mods, Servers with large mod usually have mod name in title

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Yopu need to install mon only if server run large mod such as "Ravenhearst" or "Darkness Falls". If it only server mods, it runs automatically on connect. Most of modded servers use server mods, Servers with large mod usually have mod name in title


This is not correct. Any mod that includes new assets (images, for example) will need to be installed by the client. Most HUD mods fall in this category. They are not huge game overhauls like Ravenhearst - they might only affect one or two XML files - but since they include new non-XML game assets they can't be pushed from the server to the client.

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