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Upgrading Tools and Weapons


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I've just started playing 7 Days for the first time in about a year. When I played previously almost every time you repaired or made a new tool it would upgrade, at least in the early stages of a new save game. I've been playing for about 6 hours and have crafted and repaired at least 20 stone axes. None of which have upgraded a single level. Is there a new system for tool and weapon upgrading with Alpha 18?

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tools are under miner 69er, if you raise that perk you can craft better tools, up to tier 5

the weapons are governed by perk in various attributes, shotgun and clubs under strenght, bows and knives under agility etc.

tier 6 tools and weapons are loot only, you can't craft them


p.s. you can craft only the first two tier of any weapon or tools tree

you can craft primitive and iron tools but to craft steel tools you need to find schematics and steel tools parts

you can craft primitive and wooden bows, but need schematics for the compound bow

etc. etc.

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Was that mechanic in A17? I faintly remember something like this, meaning you had to get better perks before you could craft better tools?


Unless you mean A16, where you had to craft a number of tools to increase the skill in order to be able to craft better tools. This was fairly long ago, as i see first A17 Experimental around 29.11.2018. Unless you have not played A17 (which came out in December), you most likely have not seen the updates it provided.


I suggest going through A18 release notes, you'll have a better grasp on the situation.

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Was that mechanic in A17? I faintly remember something like this, meaning you had to get better perks before you could craft better tools?


Unless you mean A16, where you had to craft a number of tools to increase the skill in order to be able to craft better tools. This was fairly long ago, as i see first A17 Experimental around 29.11.2018. Unless you have not played A17 (which came out in December), you most likely have not seen the updates it provided.


I suggest going through A18 release notes, you'll have a better grasp on the situation.


A17 you just had to raise you INT then everything you crafted was at a higher quality.

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As someone who started in A18 crafting/upgrading is probably one of the biggest things I dislike about the game right now.


1.) If I want a specific weapon, armor, or tool I have to find 4-5 of them (12-15 parts, most melee, tool, armor seem to be 12 parts but I recall seeing a compound x-bow schematic that takes 15) to make one and it's entirely RNG as to whether we find them or not. This is a universal issue though, there's no way to target specific things we want that are sourced only as a random reward. Feels really bad that we're often can't do anything but pray in order to get progression and that we're blocked from crafting to max quality. Add to it that in finding 4-5 of them we can easily find one that's equal or better to what we can make anyways and it makes crafting seem pointless.


2.) This leaves us with a bunch of weapons/parts we can't effectively do anything with since crafting to tier 5 is tied to a specific skill that just waste space since steel weapon parts can't be smelted into the forge or anything. Particularly with the vendor sell limits making it impossible to offload a bunch of unnecessary weapons. I really wish the weapons broke down into a generic weapon parts kit instead of specific weapons that we could use to make anything (hell even increase the amount necessary from 12/15 to 50 or whatever the balance point is) and then use a ton of them to craft a weapon upgrade kit to upgrade a weapon from tier 5 to tier 6. It just seems silly to me that in a survival crafting game we can't actually craft the best stuff.


I don't know but I feel like we're not seeing the entire picture, like they changed things but we're between visions on how crafting stuff is going to work. And while it's functional there's more coming eventually to patch up differences between the older system and the newer one. I just can't imagine their plan is we get blessed by RNG gods and get a quality 6 item and we use that forever just applying repair kits as needed or that people eschew the crafting system in favor of spamming missions to get tier 6 gear. At least that's my hope.

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