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Having problems

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I'm trying to create a starter crate that will give some extra items on initial spawn, but it's causing some weird errors.


Here are the mod files



<append xpath="blocks">

<block name="cntStarterCrate">
   <property name="DescriptionKey" value="cntStarterCrate"/>
   <property name="Class" value="Loot"/>
   <property name="Path" value="solid"/>
   <property name="Material" value="MwoodReinforced"/>
   <property name="StabilitySupport" value="false"/>
   <property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel"/> <property name="Texture" value="293"/>
   <property name="Model" value="#Entities/LootContainers?crate_storePrefab.prefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="Mwood_regular"/>
   <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
   <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="cntStarterKit"/>
   <property name="FilterTags" value="floot"/>

<block name="cntStarterKit">
   <property name="Extends" value="cntGarageStorage" param1="DescriptionKey"/>
   <property name="LootList" value="125"/>





<set xpath="entity_classes/entity_class/property[@name='ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvival']/@value">cntStarterCrate</set>
<set xpath="entity_classes/entity_class/property[@name='ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalSP']/@value">cntStarterCrate</set>
<set xpath="entity_classes/entity_class/property[@name='ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP']/@value">cntStarterCrate</set>




<append xpath="lootcontainers">

<lootgroup name="lootStarterKit">
   <item name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="3"/>
   <item name="foodCanChili" count="3"/>
   <item name="medicalFirstAidBandage" count="3"/>
   <item name="meleeToolTorch" count="1"/>
   <item name="keystoneBlock" count="1"/>
   <item name="casinoCoin" count="5000"/>

<lootcontainer id="125" count="1" size="6,2" sound_open="UseActions/open_cardboard" sound_close="UseActions/close_cardboard" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
   <item group="lootStartKit"/>




And it's giving me errors like this


ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed
EXC External 3D model with name '#Entities/LootContainers?crate_storePrefab.prefab' not found! Maybe you need to create the atlas first?

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'items.xml' failed
EXC Unknown block name 'wallTorchLightPlayer' in use_action!

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' failed
EXC No item/block with name 'resourceMilitaryFiber' existing

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
EXC Item with name 'qc_silenceofthelambs' not found!

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
EXC Item with name 'apparelBandana' not found!

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'biomes.xml' failed
EXC Block with name 'terrSnow' not found!


I've just about given up on this idea, bc I can't figure out what's causing these errors. I've verified to make sure that

all of these entries exist in the XML files. I've tried it by itself, and with other modlets that I know work.



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Try changing your Shape line in the blocks.xml to something like


<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>


instead of Ext3dModel. Thinks that's the problem.


And the rest of the errors are probably because of the initial error cascading into other things.

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