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Sexual Tyrannosaurus - Sledgehammers?


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It does, with lv 5 of it you can power attack with the steel sledge, and it'll cost 26-27 stam insted of the 56 or so base (as it cuts power attack by 50%) as a bonus if the power attack kills your target you get healed for 30 stamina making the power attack with the steel sledge essentally free as long as you kill something with each power attack, which on nomad with a good steel sledge is easy to do with even body shots.

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It does, with lv 5 of it you can power attack with the steel sledge, and it'll cost 26-27 stam insted of the 56 or so base (as it cuts power attack by 50%) as a bonus if the power attack kills your target you get healed for 30 stamina making the power attack with the steel sledge essentally free as long as you kill something with each power attack, which on nomad with a good steel sledge is easy to do with even body shots.

This is me all day.



...except when those damn shirtless guys are feral. Where is the hitbox for their head?! *facepalm*

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