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POis and quest cooldowns.

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So i have been doing the same tier 5 quests over and over again. On one hand it's a great exploit because it respawns all the cars that i can wrench, but on the other hand it gets real boring real fast.


Maybe there needs to be a cool down time for each poi, like three days? that way if you do a quest there it won't show up for a while? There are a lot of pois i have never been in, because by the time i get around to them for questing i am being sent to the bigger, harder, more rewarding pois instead.

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Option to choose lower tier quests would be nice. Afaik they said they were working on adding that to the quest system. Idk when though.


It would definitely be nice to be able to choose, since you can already see which Prefabs the trader is sending you too. You would get more chances to see POIs you havent done before.

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I would love the choice to do all tiers once you unlock them (its 1900 so night in 3 hrs? do a T1 or 2) morning and you have nothing to do, grab a T5


I think it would probably be best if you had to unlock all tiers and complete at least 1 t5 quest first. Otherwise it could be a little too ez to quest farm, or I mean you would still have to get some sense of progression-reward before having that option.


Maybe not, just spitballing, maybe it would be ok.

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