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Is my guy now a short-handed robot???


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Come on guys is it just me or the "new animation" is terrible? :crushed::distrust:

What happens? Did a dev lost the code? Why my character looks like a robot with arms so short it couldn't complete the swing or movement and stop halfway :bi_polo:

Not to mention the power attack who looks pretty ridiculous...

Anyway you all understand I really dislike New animation and it's just my opinion...

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The new animations are fine and were done by the person who did Doom 2016s first person animations. I see nothing wrong with them as they feel more like ARKs animations and look smooth. Sure it takes a bit to get used to but nothin much has changed. Range is the same.

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The new animations are fine and were done by the person who did Doom 2016s first person animations


Uhhh if that's true then I'm going to have to assume that the animator was heavily limited by the framework in what he could do. I don't think the animations are even comparable between these two games, Doom's are far better

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A slightly fuller arc needs to be implemented(that passes through the crosshair) to simulate momentum and an interrupt animation played when you hit something. As they are now its apex acts like its hitting something even though it misses.


The overall animations though are looking much tidier imo and a great improvement.

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