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Adding a Modlet to an Overhaul


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I have just discovered the awesomeness that is ModLauncher. Completely changing the way we play the game. Wonderful stuff.


However, there are a few teeny weeny tweaks that our group would like to make. Is it possible for someone out there to point me in the direction on how to add tiny tweaking modlets to the build? I know the bare bones of modding, but need a bit of help.


The changes we would like to make would be simple stuff; just a few .xml changes.


Also, would i be right in thinking that if all players install the big overhaul through ModLauncher, the hosting player is the only one who needs to install the .xml changes, because they can just be picked up by the other players by joining the game?


Could someone help teach me how to do this please?

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Server push xml but little else. So as long as you just want xml changes to an overhaul, you can have all the clients load the overhaul via the mod launcher then let the server they connect to overwrite the xml with the desired changes.

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