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How do I remove a specific recipe in a custom recipe hierarchy?

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There are two recipes for glue, one for the campfire and one for the chemistry station. My mod makes the chemistry station more rewarding since it is an advanced piece of equipment. Here is the original code that I have that works but it deletes the campfire glue instead of the chemistry station glue:

<remove xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='resourceGlue']"></remove>
	<append xpath="/recipes">

	<recipe name="resourceGlue" count="3" craft_area="chemistryStation">
		<ingredient name="resourceFemur" count="1"/>
		<ingredient name="drinkJarRiverWater" count="1"/>


I know I'm close because the game gave me this message:


here is what i got to get that message:

<remove xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='resourceGlue']/@count='1'/@craft_area='chemistryStation'"></remove>
	<append xpath="/recipes">

	<recipe name="resourceGlue" count="3" craft_area="chemistryStation">
		<ingredient name="resourceFemur" count="1"/>
		<ingredient name="drinkJarRiverWater" count="1"/>


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