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Generation of roads between hubs (cities, towns)

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Hello everyone


I've recently discovered that if you generate a map (RWG) with a size over 8k then the roads start to disappear. This escalates exponentially the bigger the map is. At 14k not a single road was present.


Example of 8k rwg map:






And 12k:






Is there any way to fix this? Can we alter wilderness road gen at all?

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i cant even open my splat3 anymore, to view, edit with mspaint, gimp, or ps




If you open the splat3 and its an empty checkered background, you need to fill in spaces with solid black or it gets wonky. Just sample green and red from exisiting roads and you are good. It can be done in PS as well, but the tools are crap and its slow, this method is fast and easy.

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Dont test with Navezgane, that map is legacy. I was ready to go off about 17.4 changing more stuff, but no, its just the nav map. Create a brand new rwg map and try with that in paint.net, theres a few other setting i have to give you too for it to work.

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I have to decompose the splat3 and compose it again in order to see it. But that's not really what I wanted to know, I want to know if I can somehow fix the issue with road generation beyond sizes 8k. If you don't know what I mean try to gen a map bigger than 8k and compare it.


To be clear this is for rwgmixer, not a single map. I do know you can draw them but that's not what I need.

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awesome, so there is an issue with road gen above 8k using in game generator

can you say why nitro wont work for you? if its a custom prefab issue or something else, i can attempt to work around that. lets address that issue, as it may be solvable, where as the in game rwg cant be fixed till TFP update the game. they say rwg is kinda broken right now, and will be fixed in a18.

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Here are some reason(s) why I can't use this tool.

- No custom biome support (currently)

- No specific POI placement (this is needed for some mods balance-wise)

- Not everyone knows about Nitrogen. I think most people will still default to ingame rwg.

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