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TFP could you please look at the Coding for "Bleeding"?

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The problem here is that the armor should do that from a logical point of view. However, neither in the description of the armor parts nor in the XML files does it say that the armor has an effect on bleeding. That's why you can't report this as a bug.


However, there are many things in the game that logically just don't make sense. Ever tried to pour concrete with a nail gun into a steel frame in real life ?


quit for a year and came back to this bleeding problem.


I had a look at the items.xml, Armor does have bleed resist

I feel like the resist for bleeding is too low for armor (it call BuffResistance in the code, which also include stun and disease).

Steel armor is 0.09 (or 9%) a piece, at 5 pieces that 45% in total for steel armor. The code say base_add so I assume by default you have some build in resistant (idk which xml that in, still haven't found it).


no armor, 1-2 hit bleed are very frequent, rarely it goes up to 4 hits before bleed.

armor, 1-4 hit bleed, 3 hits are very frequent, 2 hits are slightly less frequent than 3s, 1 and 4 hits are less frequent, rarely goes up to 7 hits before bleed.


I threw in some godmode armor and at 1 (100%) resist does stop bleeding. Also test 2 pieces at 50% and it still work, so that rule out resist stats doesn't stack properly and armor does work. And I had a look at the bleeding debuff in buffs.xml but I have no ideas what Im looking at.


from the items.xml

iron is 6% a piece (30 total), military is 6%,

leather is 4% (20 tot),

scrap is 3% (15 tot),

clothe armor is 2% (10 tot)



IDK what the base resist is, but I feel like armors should have double it resist stats or total max resist (steel + base) for bleeding should be 90%.

stun and disease should be same as now.

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