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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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On 8/22/2022 at 11:42 PM, bdubyah said:

Very odd. Not a lot of info there. Looks like all the mods and everything loaded fine. Maybe verify the server files and test it out with vanilla and see if that works? I just fired a dedi up on my second PC and joined without issue. But it isn't Linux so not an exact test.


I actually wiped my Linux server completely (as in, complete reinstall to the newest version of Ubuntu Server) and reinstalled the server and mods, and it still just dies once a player gets in.  So something screwy in how Linux is handling it, apparently.  I'll try tweaking things, but might end up just needing to finally bite the bullet and install a windows server platform...

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3 hours ago, KronGaming said:


Just to let you know, it seems to be NPCMod that is the issue for me;  Removed everything but SCore and NPCMod, and the same thing happens;  it seems that as soon as players get on and NPCs are being spawned, that's when the error pops up.

Haven't heard of any Linux specific issues before. I'll ask the NPCmod guys on discord and see if they know of anything.

Just to be sure, if you run plain vanilla people can join without issue?

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Hey Bdub! finaly returned to wasteland after ages away, after having a good go at the latest build of 7 days. my first impressioned made me crap myself, because i wasnt expecting to be shotgunned from a distance away XD or pistoled. i do think ranged enemies need louder footstep sounds or something to make the early game a bit more generous so far. 

tho i got a question about the... SPIFEL system. do you have a late game ability to gain full stats into each of the stats? from what ive picked up, the statues can give +1 to each stat if you manage to seek them out, but they are one use. is there any plans to max a character far down the line? 

Unrelated note, i look forward to tormenting my freinds with the ice cream truck music constantly :3 

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20 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Nah, there is no way to max out everything permanently. Just temp buffs from some items.

oh owch.... got any plans to change that? part of what makes the base game have a decent long life is being able to eventualy max all skills. (or if you cant cos theres a level cap, i aint reached it yet. XD most of my play sessions i do end up maxing out at least 3 or 4 of the skill tree base stats. )

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2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Haven't heard of any Linux specific issues before. I'll ask the NPCmod guys on discord and see if they know of anything.

Just to be sure, if you run plain vanilla people can join without issue?

Yep, I tested that as well, then added the NPCMod and SCore, and that's when things went bad.  Also deleted all save games beforehand to be sure.

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1 hour ago, Colin248 said:

oh owch.... got any plans to change that? part of what makes the base game have a decent long life is being able to eventualy max all skills. (or if you cant cos theres a level cap, i aint reached it yet. XD most of my play sessions i do end up maxing out at least 3 or 4 of the skill tree base stats. )

I already changed it...to what it is now. Never gonna say there won't be tweaks or something, but it's not going anywhere. Believe me, you aren't the first person to complain about it. Lol.

1 hour ago, KronGaming said:

Yep, I tested that as well, then added the NPCMod and SCore, and that's when things went bad.  Also deleted all save games beforehand to be sure.

Just checking. Saw you posted in the NPCmod thread. Hopefully they can figure it out. :)

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Oh you mistake my worry, the system itself i think is a decent idea. and i love the twists on the skills you have put in. (altho, with gameplay im sure them tier 10 perks need to be upped in value... some of them look @%$#ty XD) 

my only concern is longevity. the lack of being able to max out a character as a potential end game goal is something most people realy aspire too in the base game. its a neat goal to look forward too as you level up and become so strong.

you sure you dont wana add Implants? something that can only be found in the highest tier chests, and at a very low rate? cos even that would fix my gripe that i basicly wont be able to play with all the skills. even when you find a implant, is it for a skill maxed already? well @%$#, give it to your team mates. and if you keep finding the luck boosting implant? well... tough luck on that part. 😧

Something that simple could fix my only current issue with the system. 

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We'll see. I need to take another look at the overall order of perks and see how I feel now compared to when I originally did it. I'd also like to introduce something similar to NV's traits. Might hold off on that stuff till a21 drops. 


I'd love any and all feedback for the perks overall though. The player level requirements, order of perks in each attribute, etc. And weapon gaps, abilities, whatever. 

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36 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

We'll see. I need to take another look at the overall order of perks and see how I feel now compared to when I originally did it. I'd also like to introduce something similar to NV's traits. Might hold off on that stuff till a21 drops. 


I'd love any and all feedback for the perks overall though. The player level requirements, order of perks in each attribute, etc. And weapon gaps, abilities, whatever. 

i will give a session a playthrough as best i can, and give what feedback i can do. 

does grandpas forgetin elixer let you re allocate the said perk points btw? 

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5 hours ago, Colin248 said:

i will give a session a playthrough as best i can, and give what feedback i can do. 

does grandpas forgetin elixer let you re allocate the said perk points btw? 

Yeah, it still works. It resets you back to 21 SPIFSAL points.

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9 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Yeah, it still works. It resets you back to 21 SPIFSAL points.

29 you mean right? 29 seams fine, enough to basicly max out 3 of the 7 trees, if you go hard into them. 

first looks at the skill system, i can understand peoples gripes with not being able to max certain skills before others. the level limit is quite a dampener. but, gona give it a fair shot, see how it fairs. altho, i have noticed the super mutants and zeds are now no longer chummy with each other. a shame cos, the fact super mutants would assault our base with the horde realy helped mix things up and make the 7 day hordes interesting again. 😧 is that no longer the case? 

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20 hours ago, Colin248 said:

29 you mean right? 29 seams fine, enough to basicly max out 3 of the 7 trees, if you go hard into them. 

first looks at the skill system, i can understand peoples gripes with not being able to max certain skills before others. the level limit is quite a dampener. but, gona give it a fair shot, see how it fairs. altho, i have noticed the super mutants and zeds are now no longer chummy with each other. a shame cos, the fact super mutants would assault our base with the horde realy helped mix things up and make the 7 day hordes interesting again. 😧 is that no longer the case? 

No, it's set to 21. That's everyone's complaint. People seem to think they just have to max everything to be able to play the game. That's just not the case.


And I do need to add the mutants back into the BM hordes. I have BM specific ones set up, I just haven't added them back in. Will get that done for the next update. :)

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10 hours ago, bdubyah said:

No, it's set to 21. That's everyone's complaint. People seem to think they just have to max everything to be able to play the game. That's just not the case.


And I do need to add the mutants back into the BM hordes. I have BM specific ones set up, I just haven't added them back in. Will get that done for the next update. :)

thank goodness! and now that they shoot, cubby holes and various ways to take cover are gona be much more handy! 

also... wowies. 😧 thats a veeery limited amount of points. its not that people think they HAVE too, its that it should be a end game goal. even new vegas for example, has pleanty of options to increase your stats as you go through the game, your special points. the Clinic is just one option if you have the endurance to be augmented out the ass. X3 


SO far im still in the early game of your mod. finaly got to level 10, going a little into bow skills as i think they can be usefull. however... the enemies added in this mod seam to be a tad too tanky on higher difficulties. also, i was walking home from a quest when a squito bit me and made my screen dark. horrifiying for sure as im running around without a idea of whats going on. but then i exploded. so that was.... uhm.... wierd. 

the death punishment i approve of, but it maaaaaay last just a smidge too long. a full week and it can stack? i am happy you discorage dieing, but considering ranged opponents can be waltzing around now, perhaps its too punishing. ive only died twice so far, but perhaps 3 days is more reasonable as apposed to 7. i know 7 fits the theme of 7 days to die, but... with no way to heal that death punishment, it can mount up im sure. in the end game im sure its fine, but hot dam. its making early game brutal along with the skill changes. 

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Sooo I am super confused if I am just missing something or what cause I've tried messing with the mods and even if the vehicle mod is the only mod installed it still does this and i believe its set up correctly, I was launching trying to check out the vehicles and it suddenly pops up wave of rapid red messages and cant move cant close it, and have to alt f4 to close the game and get back and then vehicle i spawned is gone and it does it with every vehicle 😕 and I am out of ideas as to what I can do to make it work other than just not using the mod. I really don't have any idea what to try/do to fix it. 😕spacer.png

Also if you need any other info like pics or something let me know.

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the log seems to be looping this specific thing over and over like 2-3 thousand times or so, is that repeating bit enough? or how do i send the stuff in the log file ( its 6,180 lines of stuff )

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at EntityVehicle.CheckForOutOfWorld () [0x00171] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0
  at EntityVehicle.PhysicsFixedUpdate () [0x0032a] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0
  at EntityVehicle.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0

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19 hours ago, bdubyah said:

No, it's set to 21. That's everyone's complaint. People seem to think they just have to max everything to be able to play the game. That's just not the case.


And I do need to add the mutants back into the BM hordes. I have BM specific ones set up, I just haven't added them back in. Will get that done for the next update. :)

Oh i just re read this, do you mean super mutants as themselfs assulting the base? that would be... realy dam neat! needing to have 2 trap set ups, one for zombie hordes and one for super mutants. that... ooo... whilst i like having both in the same horde, it could be overwhelming if theres a sudden torrent of gunfire being thrown at you. XD

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1 hour ago, Colin248 said:

Oh i just re read this, do you mean super mutants as themselfs assulting the base? that would be... realy dam neat! needing to have 2 trap set ups, one for zombie hordes and one for super mutants. that... ooo... whilst i like having both in the same horde, it could be overwhelming if theres a sudden torrent of gunfire being thrown at you. XD

Yeah, it'll be like how it was before. Zeds and mutants both attacking together. I only added a couple ranged ones with pistols and maybe one rifle. No M60 guys. Lol. There is a real small chance for a rocket launcher mutant to spawn though...

4 hours ago, NekoUnicorn69 said:

i fixed it? idk it suddenly started working .-. and now im confused as nothing changed i dont think 😕

From the folder name you mentioned I'd bet you had it nested in one too many folders. The folder you copy into your Mods folder should be called Bdubs Vehicles. 

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Excellent! looking forward too it bud. 

However, i do have some criticism already about your skill system thats more substantive. now, in the trees there are skills that unlock various mods for weapons, melee and so on. these are.... realy dam worthless to invest valuable skills into. these skills should unlock the mods, but they need to do something more active. im unsure what, but just unlocking mod recepies isnt good enough. 

some possitives tho, i love how exploreing the world i can find notes that leads me to valuable POI's to explore. thats a real neat touch! also love the skill books that enhance armour and even gives that charisma perk. however, i do think that, the armourer perk could be made to improve the effectiveness of he heavy armours somehow. just to make that crafting skill not... worthless. 


you already made skills more valuable by level limiting such skills for the early game. you gota make sure they can be more worthwhile were you put em. luck skills, such as more dukes and more ammo for example need a bit more of a omph too them. perhaps the dukes skill could also add more cash, silver, gold and diamonds to the loot containers along side dukes. and the ammo skill could add more different ammo types into the piles. or does it do that already? im noticing, im swimming in large amounts of energy ammo, but not much of the other ammo types. ballanceing all the ammo types in game is no doubt gona be a challange. 

gona keep going and see what else i can pick up. 

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5 hours ago, Deathpie75 said:

Love the mod btw. Do you know what file can be used to change the crafting time of vehicles? The 30 minute crafting time for the ice cream truck hits different. I checked the recipes config file and didn’t see it. 

If you look in recipes.xml for vehicleICTplaceable you'll see it has


on it. You can copy that and add it to whatever recipe you want. It's in seconds. I think vanilla has reduced all the vehicle crafting times from when I started modding as I know they used to take quite a while, but they are all set to just a few minutes now. Guess I either need to change them to be longer or shorten mine to match.

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