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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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The Wasteland
Updated to 2.4, for A19.6
Download at Gitlab or Nexus

-Added: A couple new various POIs, from arramus <3
-Added: Periodic screen effects when you have rad poisoning
-Added: 2 new single shot shotguns
-Added: Magnum Buckshot ammo
-Added: 2 1911 pistol versions
-Added: Thompson SMG
-Added: Vector SMG
-Added: .45 ACP ammo types
-Added: Harpoon Gun, with Harpoon Bolt and Net ammo types (Gotta loot it from a specific zed...)
-Added: Several new zeds, with multiple texture variants. Regular and Feral versions. Should spawn everywhere vanilla zeds do
-Added: Mutant Dogs, spawn in all biomes, more in wasteland and desert
-Added: Mutant Scorpions, spawn in desert and wasteland
-Added: Hunters, can spawn everywhere
-Added: Mosquitoes, can spawn everywhere
-Added: Aliens...?
-Added: Several new foods based on new creatures
-Added: Two new magazines
-Changed: Both Rad and Feral Ghouls will heal zeds and mutants that are within their buff range
-Changed: Feral Ghouls now have a small health drain as part of their buff
-Changed: Small changes to the Power Armor Stealth Crouch perk: Faster crouch walk, no stam use when crouch running, harder to detect when crouching
-Changed: Removed crosshairs on most weapons when aiming
-Changed: Updated POI list for KingGen 13.1
-Changed: Various loot tweaks
-Fixed: Bull Rush perk being lost on death(will need to read the book again if you died since reading it the last time)
-Fixed: Incorrect downgrade block on van wreck
-Fixed: BAR iron sight offset
-Fixed: Couple missing item unlock info

On Git, the launcher and Nexus now.

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This will probably be the last update before a20, unless any big bugs are found. I will try and get it updated to a20 as quick as I can, but it will definitely not release before a20 is out of experimental. But my plan is to use the EXP time to make some of the bigger changes to loot and stuff, and I would like to overhaul perks/skills as well, but that will probably have to wait till later on in a20.

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Might be a long shot since I haven't seen anybody else talking about it but when using the POI list for King Gen 13.1 I keep getting an error where 3 lines are being discarded.  Specifically the lines are for NukaFactory2, Nuka_Factory, and Old_House01.  Looking at the list I can't see anything that would be throwing it off like a trailing space or something but I don't want to miss out on the POIs designed specifically for the mod.  There anything I can do?

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I think I might have maybe solved it actually, so sorry for the false alarm.  Changed the 3 entries to look like:


King Gen still tells me it's skipping line 549 so I just commented it out and edited these to add the missing township values.  Thanks for the great mod btw.

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Looks like the Nuka Factory ones had an incorrect biome listed, and Old_House01 was missing the township bits. Got it fixed on my end but probably won't push an update for just that.



I'll just post it here in case anyone needs it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Not new to playing mods but new to this one. I tried manually installing it and am not having any luck. I dropped the contents of the "The Wastelands" folder into my mods folder. When I launch the game it does not appear to have been installed. 


I also tried to use the new Unity ModLauncher and it did work at all. "Seemed" to work after a long time and then when I launched the game, it through a crap ton of console errors.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




I figured it out. I had to to leave it in the The Wastelands folder and then it worked.

Edited by RightWinger1 (see edit history)
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I did not make nor do I maintain the DF patch. I don't think it has been kept up to date with my mod or DF. Mythix made it, so you could ask him if he will update it. 


That said it sounds like you have a different problem. I'd reinstall it and make sure it's correct. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So how do you use this? I downloaded it for the vanilla game. I put it in the mods folder (unzipped , just one folder deep [Bdubs Vehicles] before the configs and such) then i generated a new world (vanilla, not nitro or king). Now with debug i can see that the mechanics trader spawned. But all the cars on the road are vanilla, do these not spawn outside? Am i thinking of the wrong mod that generates repairable wrecks?

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12 hours ago, Grynn said:

So how do you use this? I downloaded it for the vanilla game. I put it in the mods folder (unzipped , just one folder deep [Bdubs Vehicles] before the configs and such) then i generated a new world (vanilla, not nitro or king). Now with debug i can see that the mechanics trader spawned. But all the cars on the road are vanilla, do these not spawn outside? Am i thinking of the wrong mod that generates repairable wrecks?

You might be thinking of the Undead Legacy mod and its abandoned vehicle repair system.


Combining Bdub's Vehicles and Bdub's Wasteland Mod together will not add the abandoned vehicle repair system, but you will see some very nice custom vehicles around the World. If you head to a few garages, gas stations, and mechanic type areas, you'll find the vehicle schematics quite easily and be riding around in a fuel efficient golf buggy in no time. Bedub's Vehicles and The Wasteland Mod have their own unique vehicles for all occasions. You'll even find a downed UFO in The Wasteland Mod, not that you can fly, it but it's well worth a visit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just figured I would give a small update since it's been a while and it looks like a20 will finally be here soon.


As it stands I plan on updating my vehicle AIO and the Wasteland mods to a20. No plans at the moment to do the individual vehicle mods, though I might down the line if it isn't a lot of work. I would like to add the features Ragsy and the guys have in Vehicle Madness for my AIO at some point. If a20 was a bit later I would probably try and get it in before release. I may still try and do that. I've went back and forth on whether to make it a patch to the AIO, or add it to the AIO itself. Still undecided. Would be a lot easier to keep it as one mod, and I've had a lot of people asking about making my vehicles work in this manner, so that will probably be how I do it.


As far as the Wasteland, I've been slowly working on it, and the attribute/perk overhaul is mostly done. I already know some people won't like the direction I went with it, and that's fine, but it probably isn't going anywhere. It will surely need a bit of balancing as the aim of it was to do something a bit different for 7 Days, while slowing progression down some. The main issues I'm expecting right now is I'm going to have to rework vanilla's loot progression to match my new skill progression. The way it feels in my small test game is that the loot will move out a good bit ahead of your skill level so that by the time you'd get to crafting even q5 stuff, you'd be swimming in q6's already. And of course I can't even start on this attempt at balancing till a20 releases as I'm sure there will be a lot of changes to loot. So I have to wait on that front. Hopefully I can get it done while a20 is in experimental. I'm trying to make sure all other content I've added or changed is polished up so I can put my focus on that when the time comes. This is also why I'm a bit leery about starting the AIO changes till after I know the Wasteland mod is good to go.


With all that said, the next Wasteland update won't be it's biggest content update, as far as new things, but the skill overhaul is a pretty decent change. It's heavily inspired by Fallout 4's skill system. You will now spawn in with with a "You're SPIFSAL!" book bundle. This bundle comes with 9 books for each of the 7 attributes. Reading all 9 of one attribute would give you max level(10) for it. The limiter is you can only read a total of 21 of any SPIFSAL books. So it's like choosing your SPECIAL points in the beginning of a Fallout game. All perks are now level gated as well, so even if you max out an attribute, you can't max any perks on day 1. Level one of each perk is available at player level 1, but the higher levels vary. If you hover over a locked perk level it will tell you what level you need to be.


There are still a bunch of the vanilla perks, as well as several new ones. I currently have removed a few vanilla ones, such as Charismatic Nature. Light and Heavy armor are now leveled by finding their Training books. Every time you read the book, it gives you the next level of the perk. So they are unchained from any specific attribute. All perks now have 5 levels, and at max level allow q6 crafting of any items the perk governs. Crafting level of specific items can be manually increased outside of perks by rereading their schematics, if they have one. This will cap at q5 though, making the perks better in the end.


And I have changed the Forgettin' Elixir so that when used it resets all attributes, perks, and quality levels gained from schematics back to q1. It will also give you a new SPIFSAL bundle. There are cvar requirements on each book so you can't cheese the elixirs to max all attributes though. 😛 There are also collectible Power Armor statues to look out for that increase their corresponding attribute by 1. And there are a few drugs to help you out as well...


Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Just wanted to go ahead and throw the framework out there so people will know what to expect. Bring on a20! :)

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Interesting. If I'm reading correctly, even if we choose not to increase a specific attribute, we can still reach the maximum associated perk under that tree as we grow in level, or almost to maximum through 'education'. And potentially, one book type can support multiple items of a similar nature, and they can all benefit through each reading. I do recall in Fall Out New Vegas that early stages required some critical choices on which track to choose and matching inventory to reflect that saw the greatest benefit as this was to last all game. While this is somewhat a 7D2D feature, players can soon become all rounders in everything and those choices were certainly less critical and changeable. I also recall choosing a different track on a second run through felt very balanced for general game play, although some specific interactions were served better by one track. I wonder if some of the entities will also be given given additional strengths and weaknesses against some tracks. Maybe that's a bit early to consider until things have been fully tested and settle down. Quite a change but the ability to gain based on level rather than attribute will be a whole new dynamic reminiscent of 'gain by doing'.

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You can level the crafting tier of an item unrelated to your attribute/skill selections, but you don't gain any of the other perk bonuses. Just means you've read enough about, say, an auto shotty to know how to make a good one. But it doesn't give you better reloads or added damage with it like the perk does.


And the traits like NV had are something I'd like to add, but that will be later if I do.


The main balancing I'll have to do will be getting loot to match your perk levels.

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