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I would really appreciate more elaborate respawn settings


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Personally I prefer playing with no loot respawn and no airdrops (I realize this might not be a feasible setting for MP, but I play exclusively SP). This forces me to gradually reach out and explore further from my home base as I clear POI loot containers, as well as random roadside loot like trash and birds' nests. You can't just keep coming back to that juicy Fire Department POI for easy high-level loot.


However, this setting doesn't apply to POI sleepers. This still incentivizes returning to cleared out POIs for easy XP. After all, on my first visit, I've cleared out the traps, left behind a bunch of frames, and broke down walls and obstacles where needed for maneuvering space or visibility.


Not to mention the pig farm POIs which give me endless easy meat.


I think that gameplay would be greatly improved if players could choose their desired POI/zombie respawn rate, same as with loot.


It would be even better if in addition, there also was an animal respawn rate setting, governing the respawning of both wildlife and birds' nests (as they are the only source of eggs).

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I just started almost the same thread some hours ago :smile-new:


And yes: i also need this kind of options



Oh awesome! Found your post.


I have also been digging in the xml. Looks like spawning.xml has some options to turn off sleeper respawn.


Maybe I'll just make a modlet :)

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First link to my post: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?106249-Zombie-respawning

(maybe interesting to smb + i hope if everywhere will be more messages, developers will read some of them and maybe even make game-options for respawning)



Thanks for pointing me to that xml file!!! I have already checked it before and i really have no idea why, but I didn't notice property with interesting name DaysToRespawnIfPlayerLeft.


It's present there like 22 times in different blocks. Probably each block is kind of biome, so kind of land type or smth. Except of block called SpawnCave, the value of property is "5" (in game-days) everywhere. And for SpawnCave it's "3".


(Probably that means, that zombies will respawn more often in caves?)



Now, I'll change it to 500 everywhere and start new game. I'll post result here.






Also the idea with marking cleared pois on map is awesome! What we are doing now is marking each POI with "X" image :smile-new:

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I tend to leave a stack of wood frames outside of "cleared" POIs, potentially with a 1x1 sign on them with a description. Too many map markers doesn't work very well for me.


And yeah, I made a modlet last night that changes DaysToRespawnIfPlayerLeft to 50 for sleeper groups, still testing in my ongoing game.

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Additional respawn options.


I would like the Option to change respawn location by holding down E on a bed.



  1. I walk upto a Bedroll/ Bed
  2. Hold down E to bring up interaction wheel.
  3. <Option to Set Spawn Point is displayed>
  4. Click on "Set Spawn Point"
  5. Die
  6. Upon death, spawn on new spawn point



Provide option to "Spawn near body" on death screen (Screen with Spawn on Bed, Spawn near bed), and upon clicking only "Spawn Near Body" User appears on a Road/ Gravel Path. This will have risk to user, since they will be immiediate vacinity of zombies.

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I liked refer to the game "State of Decay".


In that game, when a POI was clear, it displayed a Circle with a "X" through it on the map. Periodically those POI could get infestested again and you would have to clear them out.


It would make sense that maybe after every horde night a POI has some Zombies residing in them.. Think of them of like stragglers that never made there way to kill you.

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