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The SI system.. why not have it only apply to player built things?


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Topic, This way we could have the old cave systems and such back that are missing since a11 or so. Or better get rid of the SI system as a whole, most voxel games don't use one and I can see why, could you imagine terraria with a SI system? kiss all those underground caves etc goodbye.


So my proposal is only having the SI system work on player placed blocks, this way digging thru the world (natural terrain) is not subject to it, and poi's won't collpase as long as there is at least 1 block holding it up. Yeah it may not look realistic, but itd be better for gameplay in the long run I think.


In terraria, I always enjoyed digging underground as I never knew what I was going to find and it was fun, digging in 7dtd however, is just a chore with no real benefit to it especally with how zombies dig now, and how hard it seems to find ore veins. I mean, the zobies shouldnt't be able to even hear you thru 4-5 blocks thick walls unless your like using a auger or firing a gun down there. IMO each layer should reduce sound by a fair amount, I mean if I loot something in 1 room in a poi it shouldn't be waking up zombies 2-3 rooms away as it often does especally when standing up.

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Player wouldn't even need to remove the bottom blocks themselves, Zs could do that aswell and the rest of the POI would float too.


I think the underground POI thing could work with special [POI]-air blocks, that have SI until something is placed within a column of them?

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