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Old cash


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Today I got lucky (or at least I thought so) when after killing a zombie a loot bag appeared and it contained like 500 bucks, went to the trader immediately only to find extreme lack of interest for my hard earned (?) goods, is this an intended change?, its only use is for paper now?

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Sounds buggy. I could sell the old cash just fine so far. The "3 stacks" rule seems to be still in place when it comes to other items, haven't reached that point with old cash at any of them yet to know for sure.


Yeah, maybe my game is bugged (weird considering I started it like a few days ago without a single mod), not only I'm experiencing that but also multiple quest items from buried treasure quests (you have to loot the chest twice for the quest to advance so you end with 2 quest items, one for the trader and the other for you as a souvenir because you can't delete it) and random health loss, sucks to be me :upset:

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Only way to lose the double quest chest is to die and not pick it back from your backpack. Quite annoying.


Not the best way to deal with it but it's awesome to know this workaround, thanks bud, it would be nice to have a suicide button like in dayz

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Sometimes when I exchange money, it appears grayed out, but then I press the arrows to "sell" all of it and it allows me to.

Yeah because by default you only sell one item from your inventory not the whole stack and 1$ worth less than a token so the trader won't take it.

It happened to me too, I thought the trader don't take money anymore but I just had to set the quantity.

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