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More work benches!


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Hey guys I am kinda bored so here are some random ideas, mostly of new working benches, I came up with. They wouldn't be to hard to implement I guess and could all work on basis of existing systems. Any opinions? Anvil Uses 3 Iron Ingots to create Needs no fuel (no fire) but creates loud noise Needs new tool (iron forging hammer) to use - Needed to create metal armor (like iron armor) - Needed to create new metal weapons (like swords or metal baseball bats) - Needed to create durable iron tools Tools: Each current tool additionally requires 1 metal strip to connect the sticks to the iron ingots Lower durability of current iron tools a little (maybe to 400?) New versions of the tool with more durability (maybe 600?) can be created by using the anvil These tools wont require metal strips since the stick is forged into the iron New tool: Iron forging hammer: 2 sticks + 1 metal strips + 1 iron ingot Tanning rack Uses 8 Sticks to create Needs water as fuel (no fire) and creates medium noise Needs tanning knife as tool - Needed to create leather, leather strips and leather armor - Needed to make bandages (?) Alchemy table Needs 4 wooden planks, 4 sticks, 2 beakers and 2 short iron pipes to create Needs fuel (fire) and creates low noise Needs beaker as tool - Creates all current cooking station recipes that require a beaker at a faster pace - Some more complex recipes can only be crafted at the alchemy table (maybe painkillers, antibiotics?) New recipes Beaker: 8 glass panes Mining Helmet: 1 Flashlight, 2 forged iron and 2 leather strips Zombie Apocalypse and massive amounts of water? Make glass panes as well as glass jars require a little bit more sand.. Hydration is nothing to worry about when getting glass jars and cleaning water is that easy... But something like the tanning rack with water as a resource would increase the need of water and therefore sand and something like the mentioned beaker recipe would make sand even more valuable. So ideas like that could also balance out the massive amount of water we can easily get right now by increasing demand. I'm not going into new weapon ideas an stuff for the anvil since it seems to be clear that stuff like that won't get priority before animations are implemented. More places to work like the ones mentioned above would allow/encourage us to create more complex bases which could feature specialized rooms and the like.
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I was going to suggest something to a similar [I][B]effect[/B][/I] but... with less overhead. My idea was that the player crafting interface is to get a Tool Slot. Works basically like the beaker or cooking pot. If you have the right tool equipped, you get different recipe options. This allows for progression, too. A [I][B]better[/B][/I] tool could have a bonus like +15% items produced.
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Do you mean like for example to make wood planks out of wood logs an axe needs to be equipped or like to create wooden frames out of wood planks a hammer needs to be equipped? Something like that would be a great idea, too. But I don't know if the majority of players wants such a detailed crafting system.. I myself would welcome stuff like that. But in that case +% created items would be rather strange because there are only so much planks you can get out of 1 log and so on... Maybe items craft with higher quality gear could have higher durability/hardness/structural integrity? For some things (like smithing or making leather you normally need a stationary working area so I do think you should need one here, too. I'd also love to see more useable stuff to fill our homes with, not just decor. Plenty of new stations to craft at would be a great addition imo.
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I like the idea of more "machines" being added to the game. Currently there are only 2, Camp fire and Forge, and that makes for some very boring base lay outs. I wrote a post myself, in Pimp Dreams, some months ago, suggesting additional machines, and I also suggested one more in a more recent post talking about Steel tools.
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