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  1. Kazina

    A21 NPCMod and Addons

    ok i had the server people to install this for me .. since i can not do it cause of the dill... i get errors. ould not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNurseDPistol' 2022-02-15T08:54:41 93.459 ERR Could not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNursePipeMG' 2022-02-15T08:54:41 93.461 ERR Could not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNurseAK47'
  2. Kazina

    A21 NPCMod and Addons

    yes your right .. ok making sure so i cant use the new mobs
  3. Kazina

    A21 NPCMod and Addons

    SphereII-Mods-master-0-SCore cant seem too upload fully here is pic on the message.
  4. i want thank you for this . i took my time step by step. and i loved it. i could not figure out how to do that map part. very simple and easy too work. thank you for this. But i dont know how to do the zones you have . don't know how to place them I set up traders good .. but when I do zone area it like buges out dont show on map.. do i need to do some type a code. kinda lost in that area. your welcome to message me . and there was none for pvp and pve ones. i know there was color code for it.
  5. i got it to work found someone fixed it downloaded it . works grate now ty .
  6. Hi , I have this mod but cant seem to get it to work i cant get in when i add it i had it on 19 loved it. is there English one i can have copy off maybe i edit something to make it not work . Even wiped my whole server out see maybe did something wrong . and used the original non edit still no go , Please help thank you so much .
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