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Posts posted by scubahalo

  1. 16 minutes ago, cessp210 said:

    Aha. I was unaware of that. That makes sense. Thank you so much for your quick reply!

    Answered back on page 215:

    On 8/20/2020 at 8:40 AM, KhaineGB said:

    Small tip.

    Grab tool crafting 1 and weapon crafting 1 asap. If your tools/weapons are quality 11 or lower (but higher than 6), they won't degrade and break with those skills at 1.


  2. On 8/31/2020 at 1:08 PM, KhaineGB said:

    Oh I know exactly what it is.

    EntitySurvivor and EntityBandit extend from EntityNPC (which is what the trader is). Trader protection only allows 1 entity with the EntityNPC class within it's bounds.

    So turning the protection back on will cause an NRE due to the Guard captain, plus also survivors and bandits.

    Also, this is why the drone doesn't work... because EntityDrone extends from EntityNPC... ;)

    So I was going to enable the drone and spawn some to test your theory but then I realized I could just do it with Guard Captains since they're EntityNPC's, too. I ran out of space (Trader Protection is ON):



  3. 1 hour ago, Steve78 said:

    So, I was outside of a trader when night fell, and since it was night 1 and I spent most of my time getting TO the trader, I don't have a base setup yet, I tried running into it. There was a couple zombies outside, plus one of the Darkness Falls creatures (I can't remember the name. Anyway, I got into the trader base, closed the door, turned around, and saw one of the creatures coming straight at me. In other words, it went right through a wall without making any apparent noise. But also, and more importantly, the numerous guards on the walls did almost literally nothing. I was watching the trader base at night for a couple minutes before I decided to chance just making a run for it, and even though there were several creatures outside the walls the whole time, the guards did nothing. Is this new? In A18 they would shoot at any enemies even sort of near the walls...now, nothing.

    Yeah, it's new. If you look back over the last few pages it's been discussed. Something TFP did with the AI screwed it up. I ended up removing the guards completely and turning Trader Protection back on. Unfortunately, you can't have both at the same time or you get constant NRE's. I'm trying to figure out a way around that now.

  4. 1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

    3. I really like to reduce number of zeds wandering around without destroying large hordes at hordenights. I first thought about reducing number of "Max zombies alive" but I guess that also will reduce hordes. Then I tried lowering chance of zeds spawning in entitygroups but it had no effect. Is there any smooth and easy way to reduce number of wandering zeds?


    Try playing around with /Data/Config/spawning.xml

  5. 3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    EntitySurvivor and EntityBandit extend from EntityNPC (which is what the trader is). Trader protection only allows 1 entity with the EntityNPC class within it's bounds.

    So turning the protection back on will cause an NRE due to the Guard captain, plus also survivors and bandits.

    Also, this is why the drone doesn't work... because EntityDrone extends from EntityNPC... ;)

    Hmm. That's odd. I have a working Trader AND a working Guard Captain in all my Traitor Joel's with Trader Protection turned on. No NRE's at all. I specifically wanted to keep the Guard Captains for quests. I only deleted the armed guards. I'll try the drone and see what happens just for the h*ll of it.

  6. 21 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    I turned it off because survivors/bandits cause NRE's. 😛

    Well, that means there's something common between those code templates that's causing the issue. So that's a clue at least.  I'll run them through vimdiff when I get some more time and see if I can spot it.  I've got everything working fine now without the guards. Even when I'm in the protected trader area those zombie @%$*#!s can still get in by climbing on top of each other and then toppling over the fence or wall or whatever World War Z style.  Gotta stay vigilant at all times.  At least I don't have to fix all the destruction they cause now.

  7. On 8/27/2020 at 1:32 PM, KhaineGB said:

    F6, spawn one at ground level.

    Then spawn a ton of zombies facing them so they'll attack.

    They stop ranged attacking somewhere around 3 blocks, which they didnt used to.

    That's what I mean when I say the ranged attack AI got changed. :)  Cos the guards would shoot out the catwalks from under them (so zombies were in the next block)

    So after a couple of days of trying to hunt down the wonky AI issue with the guards I ended up removing them completely and turning the Trader Protection back on.  That AI tweak that TFP did must be buried somewhere deep in the code that I can't get to. I would have left the guards in but when I turned on the Trader Protection I got the same NRE over and over. I couldn't track that one down either and I didn't want to play with the NoExceptionHijack option turned on as it seems to cause performance issues and I like to play with everything maxed out. It's not an ideal fix but at least I don't have to constantly repair sh*t which gets old REAL fast.

  8. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    F6, spawn one at ground level.

    Then spawn a ton of zombies facing them so they'll attack.

    They stop ranged attacking somewhere around 3 blocks, which they didnt used to.

    That's what I mean when I say the ranged attack AI got changed. :)  Cos the guards would shoot out the catwalks from under them (so zombies were in the next block)

    You gave me an idea. Thanks!

  9. On 8/27/2020 at 3:20 AM, KhaineGB said:

    They work for me. They just don't work as well as they used to, which is partially because I decreased the amount (for performance reasons) and partially because something got tweaked in the ranged attack AI (not my doing).

    I play on Insane so it's a lot more obvious probably. I've spent a few hours going through the code and trying various fixes with no luck so far. They seem to only shoot at targets at elevations between 62-63 for some reason which is why it seems so sporadic. I'll play with it some more today.

  10. On 8/21/2020 at 10:17 AM, KhaineGB said:

    Nope. Probably because I told the discord to stop complaining about the guards or i'll just remove them (which me and the testers HAVE discussed)

    You SHOULD remove them. Because as it stands right now they're totally ridiculous. They just stand there and do nothing while zombies rip the Trading Post to pieces. IMHO, they should either be functional like before or gone completely.

  11. Hey Khaine, just an FYI in regards to the HDHQ mod. Main packs DO NOT work, Textures DO NOT work, Lighting no longer works (including the 18.4 b4 version on Nexus). The modlets (I'm testing the Biome Pack, Biome Particles, and Plants-Wind) appear to work so far. We shall see. I think the particle effects are especially cool but who knows what kind of issues the modlets may cause down the road. We shall see.

  12. 11 hours ago, Caravaggio said:

    Looking for any information on Eve The SeasonedSurvivor  I had a quest for her "test" Came back to turn in and she was gone... Does she Respawn and you just have to find her?  Been trying to find info on her...  Thank you 


    This happened to me as well. I just went to the meeting location and spawned her by opening the console and typing:


    spawnentity <playerID> <entityID>   (actually you can use "se" instead of spawnentity for brevity). e.g.,


     se 197 617


    Hit enter and she'll pop in. Complete quest as normal.


    Just type se by itself to see a list of ID numbers. So I was 197 and she was 617.


    One caveat. Make sure all other quests are completed before you engage with her or they may reset and you'll have to do them again.

  13. Hey Khaine,

    Regarding Trader Bob, the Weapon Crafting part doesn't appear to do anything except take your money - LOL. The rest appear to work as advertised. But all the options will continue to take 1000 Dukes from you every time you click them once they're maxed out. Shouldn't those options disappear or grey out once there maxed? Or is ol' Bob just a con man in disguise and he just seems cool?😀

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