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Posts posted by warmer

  1. 1 hour ago, Urban Blackbear said:


    Not when someone watched it and transcribed all the relevant info into a forum thread, no.


    That has zero to do with YouTube. Move that goal post again. Now you are required to use braille...

  2. 8 hours ago, OmegaFerret said:

    its not the whole tower though. just like the top 1/3 im gonna tonight try to find the tower that last colapsed on me to see if i can get back up. The zombies where able to get up the tower still.


    The way the physics is intended to work is when something breaks, it only breaks the portion with critical integrity, it's not like a house of cards, once one block is gone the whole thing is gone.


    I was using the red barn as an example of something that may "appear" stable, but is just on the verge of collapse.


    The highest blocks/furthest from a stable foundation are always the weakest.  I am pretty sure even a nerd pole straight up weakens in stability after so many stacked frame blocks. 

  3. Back in the day there was the red barn of doom that would collapse if you removed a single block. I would bet the towers stability is just BARELY stable enough to keep it upright. Have you tried looking at that tower in Dev mode to see all the structural integrity? My guess is there is one or two blocks that are JUST on the edge of breaking and that is causing the stability check to fail when you are on it. I have collapsed bases by adding a forge when it was close to breaking.

  4. 3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

     @BFT2020 Don´t act like you don´t know exactly what i mean by that. It´s now kinda linear. And that sucks. Call it however you want. Doesn´t matter.

    Every single person I play with has a different play style and goals and ways of going about things. If it was linear, we would all be doing the same thing. You might be stuck in a rut of sameness, but most of my friends aren't. Everytime we have a poll conducted about gameplay we get a wide variety of responses which is indicative of sandbox freedom

  5. Ya know what you could do is make a folder with a short cut to your 7d2d directory and in that folder also have all the variations of mods in their own mod folder.


    Open it up, click the 7d2d directory shortcut,

    Delete current mod folder

    Replace with new one by dragging a copy over

    Run game


    Would this accomplish what you want if it's "just" mod folder related assets,

    or are we dealing with a lot of custom XMLs replacing vanilla files as well?

  6. I thought this was a Windows file storage issue that caused the separation. We used to be able to store world files on any drive and it was moved to C:\ in A20ish I think. Windows mandates the location and TFP couldn't alter that from my understanding.


    When you load 7d2d doesn't it load the mods at the same time?


    They are not loaded at world creation/loading, or am I mistaken? If it's at launch, I don't think you could have them be world specific without a lot of code alteration.


    For similar reasons I have my spawn.xml and biome.xmls saved in a world specific folders so I can swap them out as I like to make changes. I keep the OG in an OG XML folder so I can easily go back to vanilla.

  7. On 5/22/2024 at 4:45 AM, hotpoon said:

    Yes, I feel like they keep hiding the zombies away for performance so they can squeeze out better graphics, but if Minecraft teach us us anything, it's that millions of people will happily settle for bad graphics if the gameplay is good.  

    The one of the biggest difference between 7D2D and a game like Minecraft is there are no physics to contend with in Minecraft. The physics of each block is what really bogs down your CPU in 7d2d, that is why a large skyscraper popped in drops your frames so hard. If it was just graphics it would only hit your GPU.

  8. 1 hour ago, mickjames said:

    I miss searching the map looking for pockets of clay to dig up. Plus searching the burnt forest biome ground for white patches to dig up fertilizer. It was more interesting searching out for these specific things than it being everywhere or feature removed. 

    Don't the nodes still show up on the map as distinct colors the size of the boulders?

    Coal - black

    Iron - orange/red


    I was pretty sure they made specific things only spawn in certain biomes.

  9. If you mod the respawn metrics in the spawn.xml it changes the vibe of the whole game.

    Bumped mine up 3x the number, and twice as often, and working through a city is a slog with feral sense on.

  10. I like the idea of having a transition zone at map edge you can only enter flying due to overwhelming radiation on ground level.


    What that would do is make a new random gen map and import your character fully loaded into the map. The new map would have double the spawn rate to spice it up.


    Maybe make a mission where you need to set off a nuke on top of Dishong tower and fly to exit in time. That being the reason you CANT return to the OG map.

  11. 13 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    Pink, but it should.  But the game right now often shows pink blocks when there actually isn't anything wrong with the structural integrity, so it's not entirely reliable.  Nut that would require me checking every single block where I'm planning to build before building there, and that sounds awfully tedious.  Maybe if they gave us a non-Debug Mode way to see the structural integrity it could work, though.

    I hear what you are saying I have found the integrity indicator to be pretty reliable, but I also don't build more than a single base in a play through typically, and those tend to be similar formats Everytime. If caves where very common, I see this issue as a bug, given that they are fairly rare in the old game, I'd consider this a gameplay feature that makes it feel more dynamic.

  12. 4 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I was thinking more of caves that are nearer to bedrock.  I remember the old days of having places where you could place a block on the ground and it would just instantly break, supposedly because there was at least one block missing between the ground level and bedrock. 

    I see what you mean. Now wouldn't the block be outlined in red to give you an indication of a potential problem?

  13. 16 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I'd like to have this back, but the way it could mess with structural integrity would be really annoying.  If it wasn't looking for a connection to bedrock, but just to "solid ground" it would be okay, but finding out your base is structurally unstable because you built it over a cave system would be really annoying.

    Honestly your negative is actually part of why I like it. It requires you to fully understand the ground you are on. Most of the time this will never be an issue unless you only have a single block ceiling on the cave and your base is huge. I usually dig my foundation down to rock at least to ensure crawlers can't easily dig under supports.

  14. Cave systems. I'll gladly wait an extra 10min on world gen for real random gen cave systems. That is the biggest thing I miss.


    The second being persistent corpses that decay into gore blocks. I modded that back in because it just makes horde night so much cooler in the morning when you see all that glorious carnage!

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