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Posts posted by Astronomical

  1. 14 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Yeh I'm not real sure why he likes airports so much but I support the idea of a small wilderness airport.  Maybe an old private airport or a smugglers run, and it would fit.  Don't need goofy plane looking prefabs either, since those guys would have been the first to leave when the @%$# went down.  Hell even a small crash site nearby with just a few plane pieces could work.  


    Just a small strip, probably cratered from military action, a FBO with some hangars, and maybe a tower would be great.

  2. On 10/22/2022 at 11:39 PM, Roland said:

    Nice work everyone on the 7 Brutus Denied 5 puzzle. Here is a visual puzzle for another A21 feature that has nothing to do with Hunger Games.


    Can you solve my clue and figure out what is coming to the game?




    A zombie horde on day 15 armed with baby ruth, slick shoes, and boody traps?

  3. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    Well I asked and you are 100% right and I was completely wrong. I have to say I am shocked. All of you 120 minute day players are going to have sloooooooooow collectors…lol.


    They'll still have the advantage of more time to loot though, but I guess that's a trade off so 120 days may not always be easier now.

  4. 7 hours ago, Code_Ovrld said:

    I don't want to start anything but Git is changing its stuff from Master to Main. Wondering if you guys could make an update that changes all of your base xml definitions to something neutral. not saying anything wrong with Master, just saying there are other words that imply inheritance 


    @Roland If you have some spare time is there any way we can have a barf emoji. Please?

  5. 15 hours ago, khzmusik said:

    @faatal (or anyone else with info): Regarding the bandits. Are there going to be female bandits? If so, are they getting their own vocal sounds, like female equivalents to the "malehate" sounds for the male bandits?


    Oh no don't bring that up! That's how you get bandits cancelled again! 😃

  6. 20 minutes ago, outhous said:

    Why would this be needed as an option/setting? You can just quit the game when you die? Why would/should TFP spend time working on an option that the player can easily accomplish already?


    Maybe for those weak willed individuals who suffer from impulse control and commitment difficulties?


    Oh not me of course I'm, uh ..asking for a friend? 😅

  7. 6 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    This reminds me of the carpet in almost ANY hotel in the US. Horrendously busy and ugly, and I'm convinced that the only reason hotels choose hideous carpet patterns is to hide dirt and spills so they don't have to clean/replace the carpet as often.


    That's exactly why they do it.


    Also, what kind of hotels are you staying in? Are you sure they're charging by the night and not the hour? 🤔

  8. On 7/25/2022 at 9:07 AM, schwanz9000 said:

    Cans are gone too.


    On 7/25/2022 at 12:42 PM, BFT2020 said:

    Actually a little sad to hear those are gone.  I try to see how long I can go without having to create mines for materials based on either gathering materials through looting /scalvaging or just taking 1-2 layers off of the top (like the ore nodes on top or rocks, or digging two layers down in the ground).  Those cans were a nice source of scrap iron for me.


    I kind of agree with this. I also like to gather as much basic resources as possible from looting in the early game.


    Might it be better to convert empty cans into an unusable bonus resource item like door knobs for brass or fishing weights for lead?

  9. 1 hour ago, Guppycur said:

    This game hasn't been challenging from a survival aspect for many alphas.


    Yet you're opposed to the removal of glass jars? While certainly an odd choice from a realistic perspective, it definitely sounds like it will increase survival difficulty.


    Now you won't be able to fill up 125 glass jars at a lake or swimming pool, boil them, and not have to worry about thirst for the rest of the apocalypse.

  10. @BFT2020 is correct that different lever action rifles can be chambered in a variety of rounds including 7.62.


    However, I too was originally hoping for a classic .44 cal lever action added as a side tier rifle similar to how the SMG is for pistols. I thought it would add some versatility to perception and provide another use for .44 ammo.


    That said I didn't really think it would happen so I'm pretty happy we're getting one at all. I don't even think I'll upgrade to the sniper rifle! 🙂

  11. 11 hours ago, Blake_ said:


    Sometimes I just laugh at some statements regarding "videogame release". Minecraft is still in alpha as much as 7dtd. It's just that they deemed ok to call it DONE and get 1 big meaningful patch a year like 7dtd. While the main difference is that we are still short on bandits, but that is Gazz's fault for sure.


    Empyrion: Galactic Survival just released 1.0 a while ago too. Guess what. Still in "alpha" in all but name.


    Yep also Space Engineers: "released" in name only while they sell the remaining early access updates as paid dlc.


    TFP's are at least honest enough to continue early access development under the original terms.



    Additionally: "Gazz's fault for sure" on bandits = funny 😄


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