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Everything posted by jdzane

  1. Thanks, I'll give that another try. I had quit and restarted after each one. I think it may also be my fault, my D drive (where 7D2D is) had less than 10 gb of free space, and my C drive (windows location) had less than 2 GB free. I'm clearing up some space, then I'll do a restart, kill the BS I don't need running in the background, and then try again. Glad to know it's a known bug though.
  2. nvm moot point, I can't randomly generate any world, as I keep getting an "out of memory" error.
  3. Anyone else having issues with randomly generated worlds not having traders? I've tried 2 different worlds, and both say "no trader" when I get to the end of the tutorial level.
  4. If you base it on what Roland said about someone being able to take a 4 hour nap, it probably isn't coming for another 2 hours
  5. You know it's release day when the forums start taking too long to respond after 12 noon central time lol.
  6. I can't seem to load a new game anymore. It generates the world, and then it never initializes, the console opens up with an error, and then it just stays there on the loading screen, not saying any part of the loading process, and it doesn't progress, I have to then force quit the program. I've tried 3 times now, even after deleting all my old saves. Any ideas? I've been able to use a pregen world and play already, this just started happening when I tried to use the random generator. https://pastebin.com/F3maN2R0
  7. Is anyone else constantly getting an IOException regarding file sharing when trying to start games on generated maps? I made sure everything related to the file was closed out, as I know it doesn't like it. The IOException freezes it and it never finishes the "initializing world" stage. It's the dtm_processed.raw file that gets stuck
  8. So what is the longest it's ever taken for generating a map? I think I broke it lol. Been going on about ~20 minutes at this point update: total time = 67 minutes and 15 seconds Hopefully I actually like the layout....
  9. So I got a world to generate, and I just decided to make my own "generatedWorlds" folder. It worked in that I can see my generated world name in the list, but I get to a certain point and then I get an IOException and the game got stuck (didn't go to "not responding" but sat there for so long I gave up at force quit it). IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\jaqdi\AppData\Roaming \7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\ZanesVille\dtm_prcoess ed.raw
  10. Okay, I can't find the generatedWorlds folder to save my life. Inside of my AppData -> Roaming -> 7DaysToDie I have a folder called Saves and a folder called SavesLocal Putting it inside the Saves doesn't bring it up. also, I just realized my generated map doesn't contain any POIs It also says it only took 42 seconds to generate an 8K world....
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